Sunday, March 31, 2013

To Conquer the Fear of Death Is to Resurrect Your Life

To Conquer the Fear of Death Is to Resurrect Your Life!

Most of life’s worst dilemmas and fears are based upon one thing: the fear of death. When you face your own human demise with authenticity and truth, you liberate yourself from the one last wall between you and a bountiful life!

Almost every day as a Life Coach I help people face their fears, dramas, and addictions. Recently, though, I’ve spent a lot of time watching my own fears and sadness rise and fall like the tide. The metaphor is complete because the tide must have the moon and the atmospheric pressure to create the strength for the vast emotions of the water. It’s an external force that gives the ocean its power. As with fear, it also has an external catalyst or locus.

Every situation that we have ever endured over the years creates a myriad of neuro-pathways in our brain ready to be triggered at any moment. When the nervous system is triggered—I don’t care how healthy you are mentally—you are going to be driven by this tide of emotions.

But it’s the length of time I stay in the old emotions that has now changed for me.

A time existed when much of my emotions would be heightened by a bad situation. Then I would stay in the fear and anxiety for a long time. Now, as I have learned to be with my emotions and watch them from the observer mind (the frontal cortex of the brain), I can now be the compassionate listener and caregiver I have always craved. [Read: Yesterday’s blog as it pertains to meditation and getting to the observer mind.]

I went to lunch with a friend who had feared she was developing a severe illness. She had one symptom that she read is present in ALS Disease, which is a fatal illness. This one symptom could suggest many things, but her mind won’t let her focus from the improbable idea that she may be dying. Her external locus is stronger than her internal desire to be free of fear.

She suggested that she had been through enough in life. I agree. We all have. But the pertinent thought here is that what life is doling out, we reject. When this happens, a battle begins in which you won’t win. The first step to overcoming anxiety and stress is always to learn to accept the present as impermanent an ever changing. Sometimes its good, and sometimes its bad. But the truth behind it is always the same, Spirit God is not a respecter of persons.

Good people get diseases all the time. Tornados strike homes of the holy and devout. God is not punishing anyone with life’s stress and personal disease. Illness and weather are simply a part of the human reality. The first noble truth of Buddhism is to accept that life contains a certain amount of tribulation. When you get this concept and realize pain isn’t reciprocal of the good or bad that you do in life, you gain a vast compassion for your own human existence.

At this point in my life, when something unpleasant happens, I observe the situation and my place in it. After which, I discuss with my higher self, God, and my cognitive mind what are the proper ways to alleviate the stress, learn the proposed lesson, and get on with life. Lean into it, not away from it.

This paradigm contains the human resurrection of the mind. We regain control and compassion from one simple locus change. Now it is possible to feel something fully, accept it, and figure out a path to move forward.

I hope you have a wonderful Easter.

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Bo Sebastian is a Hypnotherapist and Life & Health Coach, available for private sessions to QUIT SMOKING, Lose Weight, New Lap-Band Hypnosis for Weight Loss, CHANGE YOUR MIND, CHANGE YOUR LIFE! at 615-400-2334 or

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