Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Not a Judgment, an Observation—The Key to a New Life!

Not a Judgment, an Observation—The Key to a New Life!

The manifold truth about existence is that without judgment we are free to live an abandoned life fully rich with joy and texture. Contingent on that truth, with observation of self and no judgment, we would also have the ability to make a shift in our own conscious paradigms, creating an energy change that moves causality and perpetuates actual, physical change in our daily lives.

Big words with quantum physics attached to spirituality inspired me to the core. What they mean holds the key to life changing power!

The effects of judgment on the human mind and body begin from infancy. We are barely able to speak, our minds have the capacity to think beyond the paradigm of words. Human teachers and parents, with judgment and training, take away the unconditional, fearless ability to create from the depths of the child’s mind.

We teach children humanity—how to be human. Humanness is merely the learning of fear. We are taught by adults, all the things that actually keep us from expanding beyond the metaphysics of our bodies. We learn to speak with words that are conditional.

One chair is every chair. A rock is every rock. A lake is every lake. Our minds become numb to newness and the “now,” because we learn to catalogue and file each object we have already seen or experienced under the same name. With this knowledge, everything now comes with a history. If this were not true, you would see an object or experience an action, and it would be brand new every time you would see it or experience it, with all its subtle changes and nuances.

Try to live a day, or even an hour, without judgment. It’s virtually impossible to the human brain. We are conditioned to judge almost everything we see. So, we ask ourselves, how is it—with all this judgment—our human brains can actually create something brand new and bring it into form and shape from just a thought or an idea?

One amazing fact that hasn’t been said is that we may not actually be creating from our human minds at all. We may just be identifying with our deductive minds. 

There is another, higher mind called the subconscious or the super consciousness. This mind is also known in the meditative state as the conscious observer. From this place in the frontal cortex of the brain, we actually create vibrations enough to make physical shifts in the universe. You can watch this happen to crystals of water with just intention or thoughts, as in the experiments of Masaru Emoto in his book, “The Hidden Messages in Water.”  Just thoughts changed the entire molecular shape of water crystals.

If most of the entire world and the human body is made up of water, then the possibility of using the mind’s ability to intend and create change becomes more of a fact than fiction. It is quantum physics at its best, because it shapes our spiritual truths into fact using science.

But it is significantly important for people who are interested in changing their human paradigm to spend time practicing the art of meditation. You must learn to get from the conscious, deductive mind to the unconscious, observer mind, which is where all things are susceptible to subtle shifts from thought and intention.

The axis of change is in the craft of meditation or self-hypnosis. Both studies are considered to be born of the same origin, from the Ayurvedic tradition. In this lifestyle it was said that the asana (the movement portion) study of yoga is primarily to recognize each part of the divine human body. We experience this divinity by feeling the body, stretching it, and strengthening it.

Once the asana is finished, the body is able to completely relax and let go, so our concentration can go to the pranayama (the study of the breath), which is the life force that breathes the body.

After focusing attention on just the breath for a period time, let go of the control of even the breath. Let your body breathe on its own volition. In so doing you become an observer now of the breath. From this paradigm shift comes the evolution of learning to meditate. From meditation comes the art of creation from thought.

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Bo Sebastian is a Hypnotherapist and Life & Health Coach, available for private sessions to QUIT SMOKING, Lose Weight, New Lap-Band Hypnosis for Weight Loss, CHANGE YOUR MIND, CHANGE YOUR LIFE! at 615-400-2334 or

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