Unconscious and Stressed
I woke up this morning after having a night filled with
hateful dreams of being abandoned and unloved. This subconscious dream begs for
my attention this morning. What exactly happens in the subconscious mind between
the time you go to bed and wake up?
First of all, the subconscious mind hold the keys to many
neuro-connections in the brain that can cause a movie to play in your mind that
is untrue for you now. These connections started long before you had the
opportunity to correct the thinking. When Mom left the room and didn’t come
back for hours, you felt abandoned. You cried and cried, but she didn’t come
for you. She, however, thought she was trying to train you for a full night of
sleep. You, however, just recorded abandoned thoughts.
Dad left when you were young. You never saw him again until
you were fifteen. He was drunk and uncaring. You recorded that no man will ever
stay with you. All he was thinking about was his addiction. His situation had
nothing to do with you.
Our lives are filled with these kinds of scenarios that
don’t autocorrect in the brain when we realize that the situation was not about
us. They stay permanently locked in the subconscious mind.
In my case, last night was the first night I had to be
without my new love. He was on a bus to a singing engagement. He called and
texted ten times. There was secure connection in reality. I had no reason to
feel what I felt. But when I fell asleep, all the old thoughts of abandonment
from my childhood and from past relationships crept up from my subconscious
mind and expressed themselves in dreams of despair.
The idea now is to wake up and reacquaint myself with the
truth. This is the hard part. For some reason, we want to wallow in the
negativity. It is the human process to do so. Outside it is raining and dreary
today. I have SIDS, so weather really affects my outlook. This definitely is
contributing to the feeling of sadness, though I have nothing to be down about
at all. Truly.
So, this morning, I woke up and prayed. This was my prayer:
“God, I know that you are unlimited love and good. I know that I am surround by
that love and the love you have provided for me in my physical life. Help me
feel and sense the awareness of that love now. Fill my mind with thoughts of
reconciling my negative feelings with the truth of Who and What You are. Let me
let go and let God, so that I can be a conduit of all that is loving in the
I have to say that after the prayer, I am still sitting in a
bit of funk, but then there is faith. Every time I feel sadness, I remember the
prayer and recall the many times in my life when I thought I was unprotected
and realized that God had everything in control.
These are the times in life when we must always come out of
the human reptilian brain and observe in quiet compassion what we feel, how we
act, and see the future through the eyes of omniscient love.
* * *
Bo Sebastian is a Hypnotherapist and Life & Health
Coach, available for private sessions to QUIT SMOKING, Lose Weight, New
Lap-Band Hypnosis for Weight Loss, CHANGE YOUR MIND, CHANGE YOUR LIFE! at
615-400-2334 or www.bosebastian.com.
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