Thursday, May 9, 2013



I remember the ship that sailed across the mysterious seas from England to find America—which really had never been lost. The idea that the world was flat and, if one sailed far enough, there was a chance of slipping off of the end of the earth to a tragic death must have been incredibly frightening to the captain and those passengers aboard the Mayflower.

But my thought today was less about the history of finding America and more about why England named their ship The Mayflower. As I sit by my living room window and gaze at the May flowers blooming, it occurred to me that the possibility of naming a ship after the idea of new spring beginnings is a great name, especially since the ship’s intention was to find new land and ended up creating a new thought process about the shape of the earth.

You see, every day we have a chance to look at the metaphors of life flowering all around us. Each of these small but telling signs has the possibility of leading us to unfathomable change in our lives. Something as simple as flowers blooming, birds mating, and a plant that died through no fault of your own can hold great divine mysteries. Every day, I look at all of these seemingly useless thoughts and try to make spiritual sense of them. This is my way of making every moment of life count.

When I live in the moment or in the now, I experience the greater privilege of the life that Spirit has afforded me on this earth. I recognize that I am spirit housed in a human body. I live by looking through the windows of my eyes and hearing through the speakers of my ears, and experience the sensual nature of life through the constant sensations of touch and feeling in my heart and in every part of my body—skin, organs, stomach, tongue, lips…

The song “If I Were,” says, “If I were a kiss, I’d seal every promise. Then follow the softest curves that fall from your lips. And I would live on forever, if only a moment. If I were a kiss. If I were.”

I love those lyrics, because they speak of living in the moment. We could simply kiss to move forward into sexuality. Or we could linger on the touch of a loved one’s lips, the shape and the feeling of his lips engaging ours, searching for sensations instead of expectations. From that small difference in experiencing life, our joy is enhanced exponentially.

To live in the present is the greatest gift from God. As some have often said, that is why we call the now, present, because it is a present or gift from God.

And so it is!

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Bo Sebastian is a Hypnotherapist and Life & Health Coach, available for private sessions to QUIT SMOKING, Lose Weight, New Lap-Band Hypnosis for Weight Loss, CHANGE YOUR MIND, CHANGE YOUR LIFE! at 615-400-2334 or

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