Thursday, May 16, 2013

Symbiotic Relationships

Symbiotic Relationships

Symbiosis is defined as a mutually beneficial relationship between different people or groups. Today, I’m going to focus on symbiosis in Intimate Relationships.

Living organisms require symbiotic relationships in nature a great deal. Sea anemones, for example, hitchhike on the back of hermit crabs and extend their tentacles to eat the crab’s leftovers.

Coral has a fairly easy life. It just sits back and lets specially adapted algae make much of its energy for it. The algae lives in the coral, feasting on waste products.

In intimate bonds we often adapt our lives to create symbiotic relationships with our partners. In healthy respects, this symbiosis can be a true sign of love. For instance, if one person in the relationship lacks an understanding of numbers and other is a great cook, one might balance the checkbook, while the other is making dinner. If one person loves gardening and the other would prefer to do housework, then this give-and-take would work perfectly to have a harmonious and equal balance in responsibility in relationship.

However, there is also a kind of symbiosis that isn’t so healthy in nature. For instance, “the African oxpecker feeds on the backs of zebras, elephants, and other large African animals. At first glance, this bird looks like a friendly tick-eating helper. However, oxpeckers are actually vampire birds, sucking blood out of open tick-wounds. This shows how the line between symbiotic assistance and parasite can be blurred. Oxpeckers do eat ticks as well, and some animals may be happy to sacrifice a bit of blood for this service” (Cosmos Magazine, December, 2010).

In interpersonal relationships this kind of vampire symbiosis or parasitic relationship might be expressed as one partner leaving the laundry in the dryer for two days waiting for the other to fold it. Or using the love and dedication of one partner’s need to keep everything tidy in the home, by leaving for a day at work with clothes on the floor and the bathroom disheveled.

This, of course, is an unhealthy symbiosis. Unfortunately, most relationships end up with a misuse of each other’s initial desires to help and end up becoming vampires instead of balanced lovers. In such relationships you need to simply speak up and create balance or stasis once again. If you haven’t, you are going to spend the rest of your days pissed off at your partner.

Love is about communication. Yes, relationship does require give and take and healthy symbiosis, but a misuse of another person’s dedication to you is not a way to express love in any form. If you find yourself on either side of this paradigm, I recommend you visit this issue soon, otherwise, it’s going to turn around and bite you in the tick wound and leach some blood.


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Bo Sebastian is a Hypnotherapist and Life & Health Coach, available for private sessions to QUIT SMOKING, Lose Weight, New Lap-Band Hypnosis for Weight Loss, CHANGE YOUR MIND, CHANGE YOUR LIFE! at 615-400-2334 or

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