Instant Karma
Many belief systems exist out there, which one do you
prescribe to?
Samsara, meaning
continuous flow, reflects the belief of some Asian religions such as Buddhism,
Sikhims, Hinduism, Doaism, Yoga, and the belief of the Ayervedics, who originated
yoga and most holistic practices. Reincarnation is the recycling of spirits
through death and rebirth. Most religions reflect the idea of Karma as they
teach about reincarnation, which means that what you have sown in the past life
you must deal with in the next. The belief system has dated back far past the
Jewish and Christian bibles and evidenced in the Christian bible when John the
Baptist was asked, “Are you Elijah or one of the prophets?”
My personal belief about Karma is that if you clean up your
past debts in this life, you will enter into a life of complete synchronicity
and in the flow of God, being able to be utilized by Spirit in all ways without
hindrance. I think Jesus came into his life with Karma, because in Corinthians
15, the bible talks of his presence in Adam, saying he is the second Adam.
This, perhaps, could mean that all life proceeded from him when he was Adam and
in Adam’s sin, and now Jesus had come back to redeem the lost and give them a way
back to truth.
When I look at those scriptures, it looks to be the perfect
example of Karma. I don’t think you have to be a nonChristian to believe in
Karma. Karma exists in every moment according to Jesus in his words, “What you
sow, you will reap.” This is definitely the concept of Karma.
So, what kind of life are you living that could possibly
come back to haunt you? For instance, if you smoke cigarettes, there is no
judgment spiritually from God. There is simply Karma. If you hurt your body by
smoking, your body will get cancer eventually. God isn’t trying to inflict pain
on the innocent. God is trying to help you understand the spiritual concepts of
life that work with everyone, not just believers.
For instance, the Law of Mind is “that which you can believe
can actually express itself in life.” It is a law of creation, as in the story
of creation in the bible and also Jesus’ story about the fig tree withering and
There are spiritual laws that govern the world, and I’m
thankful for it. I believe we all are. It is in our DNA to want the bad guy in
a movie to die and the person who has given his/her life for good to gain the
prosperity of the world. The antagonist always gets what he comes to this earth
But the protagonist doesn’t seem to always get what he/she
wants on the way to the end prize.
I believe this is where most people stop believing in the
power of Good. They think, she is a good person, why is this happening to her?
But we never take into account that we have no idea what her past life had been
in this body or in the last. We sincerely don’t know what anyone is going
through mentally or physically. It is never for us to judge or assess anyone.
We are to take careful note of our own lives and “judge not” others. That is
the law. And if we stay within the law, we are careful not to have others judge
us unfairly and create more bad Karma.
Every day I sincerely work to undo any bad or wrong I have
ever committed. Someone recently wrote to me a very nasty note, anonymously,
saying very hurtful and painful things about what a hypocrite he thought I was.
Instead of being mad, I understood that his hurt was just
expressing itself as in a mirror onto my life. I simply apologized for anything
I may have done that could have caused him to feel that way and asked him if he
wanted to talk about it. I’d be open to making amends. The person never wrote
It is impossible to go through life without affecting other
people negatively. The best we can do is try to always be prepared to make
amends. It is okay to say, “I was wrong,” even if you didn’t intend to hurt
someone. Staying in this mindset is a good way to live your life without
heaping more Karma onto your life.
Keep reading this week. I’m going to be talking more about
Karma and Eastern religions.
* * *
Bo Sebastian is a Hypnotherapist and Life & Health
Coach, available for private sessions to QUIT SMOKING, Lose Weight, New
Lap-Band Hypnosis for Weight Loss, CHANGE YOUR MIND, CHANGE YOUR LIFE! at
615-400-2334 or
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