Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Do You Have Capacity for Change?

Do You Have Capacity for Change?

(I’m sharing this story with the permission of a client. I have changed the names to protect the innocent.) I got a letter yesterday from a client’s workplace:

Dear Bo: When one needs a hypnotherapist, where does she turn? Does one realize that she is in need of that qualified professional to enter into her life—to shape her into that new person who is buried way down deep within? And I do mean way down!

I’m not sure it is possible for us all to find our “Authentic Self.” Or maybe for some, it may just never happen.

You being a compassionate person who truly understands people and how to help them become more than they were or could have been is a miracle. I have seen it recently.

Take Sharon Starling (name changed) for example. What a pain in the butt she was before she came to you. No sense of style. Not a real sense of humor. She really didn’t even smile a lot. She didn’t appeared to be happy at all. She also sometimes had a better-than-you attitude.

Bo, I have to confess something to you. A couple months ago I almost popped the big, grey fitness ball she sits on at her desk, because she was so irritable.

But no more! What a pleasure she has been to work with these days since she has been coming to you for Life Coaching and Hypnotherapy. She is so joyful and happy. She smiles all the time now. Oh, and did I tell you how beautiful she is looking as she has lost weight and wears clothes that are attractive and fit well. We all love all the improvements she has made.

To close, we simply have to say: JOB WELL DONE, BO~!!! Keep up the good work with her. We all here at Rustin and Black Advertising thank you.

It was signed by six coworkers.

Of course, my client had seen the letter before it was sent. Her coworkers were so pleased with her that they had asked how she had made a 360-degree turn around. When she told them about me, they asked for my address. She originally thought it was to contact me about weight loss.

These workers had sat side-by-side with my client for over ten years and never considered that she could be more than what she was. They didn’t see her as the person I knew she could be. Change is about the ability to see yourself as capable and for others to support the new you, without reminding you of your old faults and habits.

A good practitioner is able to keep you focused on the best of you and your instinctive power to move toward your authentic self. Most of my clients put up so many barriers and walls at first, it takes time to see what is actually inside. This particular person was in a marriage that was an unhealthy place. When she realized she needed to find herself outside that relationship, her entire life began to blossom. Her demeanor changed. Her looks even changed. Mostly her sense of compassion for herself and others changed.

However, she needed the courage and strength to endure all this. Sometimes effective change brings about hard times. People in your life rebel against the new you. They want stasis. They even sometimes demand it of you. But as you stand firm in your truth, you begin to realize that nothing is more important that your happiness. If you aren’t happy, no one around you can be happy either.

This was the case and point with my client and her coworkers. Her unhappiness rubbed off on everyone she met and worked with. I’m sure if you ask her ex, you would find that depression and a sour attitude every day wasn’t easy to live with either.

If you want a better life, you have to move toward it with power and strength. Sometimes it takes help. Most times it takes help. I had about ten years of therapy before I was able to see the life. I wish I would have found out about hypnotherapy and life coaching before I spent so much time and money recounting the past for ten years.

If you don’t move out of the past and into a new image of yourself, no one else can move either. Sometimes that means people leaving your life and you considering new healthier relationships. It always means, however, you looking inside and, perhaps, searching for a spiritual center, as well. Life coaching, hypnosis, and therapy are all integral parts in the path toward mental health. Sometimes, you even need to take medication to change the health of your physical brain.

For me, I had to take an antidepressant for many years to even be able to face the hard parts of my past. Nothing is impossible, though, when you have courage and true sense of desire to change and be happy.

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Bo Sebastian is a Hypnotherapist and Life & Health Coach, available for private sessions to QUIT SMOKING, Lose Weight, New Lap-Band Hypnosis for Weight Loss, CHANGE YOUR MIND, CHANGE YOUR LIFE! at 615-400-2334 or

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