Saturday, June 8, 2013

Because I Knew You

Because I Knew You

I have had a myriad of relationships in my life, ranging from disastrous to amazing. Each has told a different story and taught me specific lessons. The question is: Do the bad relationships mean just as much as the good ones?

I had been told once that relationships are specifically put in our lives to help us grow—good or bad. A therapist told me that we attract the exact person to create a mirror to witness our own shortcomings. With that being said, all relationships, including familial, are meant for the sole—or soul—purpose of growth.

When what is being reflected in my partner’s eyes is love, I may be seeing that I love myself in a healthy way. When I notice friends are treating me with compassion, it may be that I have found a new level of compassion and nonjudgment in my own life. When my mother gives me a hug and tells me she adores me, it may be that I have been vulnerable enough to show her that I love and respect her just as much.

In the negative sense, when someone disrespects me, it may be that I have somehow dishonored myself or have lost sight of compassion for others. When someone cheats me, it could be that I am cheating myself or some financial institute like the IRS. When someone ignores me, it is a sure sign that I am ignoring something pertinent in my own life or that I have been avoiding that loving person who supports and cares for me unyieldingly.

All signs in relationships of every kind are a sure reflection of our own needs to grow both spiritually and as a better human being.

Today is a good day to take a good hard look at what is annoying you in your relationships. Without hesitation, look directly in the mirror at yourself. Ask the pertinent question: Does this matter reflect a way that I am treating myself poorly?

If this is true, make an effort to unfold from the problem. Seek to love yourself a little bit more. Then watch closely as the problem externally disappears. Life is magical that way.

When you truly begin to understand the metaphors of Spirit and how they work to show you the light, you don’t stay stuck long in anything negative. The clear choice to get rid of negativity in your life is to take a good hard look at yourself first, and how you are treating others second.

When you do this with authenticity, life always changes for the better.

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Bo Sebastian is a Hypnotherapist and Life & Health Coach, available for private sessions to QUIT SMOKING, Lose Weight, New Lap-Band Hypnosis for Weight Loss, CHANGE YOUR MIND, CHANGE YOUR LIFE! at 615-400-2334 or

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