The Power of a Seed
I heard a message recently by Dr. Mitch Johnson, the pastor
of Center of Spiritual Living Nashville, in which he explained the nature of a
seed. To paraphrase, he suggested that a seed can be from an orange in Florida,
and, if you plant it anywhere with the right temperature, it will grow, because
by its nature, it is programmed to explode with new life.
A seed is magnificent and magical. Something so tiny can
become something so majestic—for instance a Sequoia, one of the largest trees
in the world comes from a small seed.
Every year, I save seeds from the last year’s annuals to
plant for the next year. I used to take such care in potting and planting each
individual seed. Then when the seedlings would grow large enough, I would
transplant them into the garden exactly where I wanted them to take root.
Lately, I’ve been scattering the seeds or just throwing them
into the air. I am always thrilled with the amount of plants that come up when
I copy what nature would innately express: a.) the seeds naturally would come
to a head; b.) the wind blows them in all directions; and c.) new plants grow
the next year.
I’ve discovered that the power of nature is often much
stronger than the power of taking the individual seeds and planting them into
small pots. I’m not exactly sure why. It would seem that the more nurtured the
seed, the better chance it would have to grow. But year after year, my neighbor
and I throw seeds out in the spring. By summer, our gardens are lush with new
Seeds are generally metaphorically identified as thoughts or
ideas. Usually I say with careful nurturing, the thoughts or ideas will take
root in your life and express as reality. But I’m wondering now if putting too
much effort into ideas and not letting nature or Spirit take your seed to its intended
path could be a bit counterintuitive.
My greatest life achievements have happened from a combination
of being prepared as the perfect opportunity expressed itself. The times I have
labored over decisions and ideas, wondering exactly how and when I should
proceed, have been times in my life where anxiety has accompanied seed
thoughts. In these instances I almost never achieved what I desired.
When we leave God out of the growing experience, whether it
be in our vegetable or flower gardens or in the gardens of our lives, we do
ourselves a great disservice. Life, by definition, begins and ends with the
breath of life God gives. So, to express life in any form, we must have the
power of spirit undergirding our ideas and expressions for them to take flight,
like fledgling birds innately knowing their path is to fly off into the air
with wings God gave them.
There is never a question as to if the birds will fly. The
question is always when and with what amount of courage and fortitude it will
take to make that first thrust into the wind. Sometimes they need a push.
Sometimes they gently fly out of the nest.
Let your ideas flow from you today. But give Spirit time to
nurture the innate desires inside and feed them with knowledge. You will know
when it is time and when you are strong enough to spread your wings and
* * *
Bo Sebastian is a Hypnotherapist and Life & Health
Coach, available for private sessions to QUIT SMOKING, Lose Weight, New
Lap-Band Hypnosis for Weight Loss, CHANGE YOUR MIND, CHANGE YOUR LIFE! at
615-400-2334 or
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