A daily blog concerning authentic matters of the heart, spirit, and body.
Saturday, October 31, 2015
Bo Sebastian's Finding Authentic You!: When Past Hurts Return! #healingthepast #pastrelat...
Can you heal the past by inviting it back into your life? Read on... Bo Sebastian's Finding Authentic You!: When Past Hurts Return! #healingthepast #pastrelat...: Have you ever opened your heart to someone whom had hurt you, because you felt as if you were healed enough to face the past? Then, you re...
When Past Hurts Return! #healingthepast #pastrelationship #relationshipadvice #divorce
Have you ever opened your heart to someone whom had hurt you, because you felt as if you were healed enough to face the past? Then, you realized, amidst the doing, that you simply were adding drama to your life by inviting that person back into your life?
One of the greatest hurts in my life resulted from doing just that. After eight years and a nasty breakup, I decided to forgive my ex and invited him back into my life, because he was going through a painful break. The result, my ex ended up having a torrid love affair with my current partner of eight years. From that day forward, I have tried to keep the past in the past and the present where it belongs.
Recently, though, I went against my own advice and cracked open that door to a casual hello to someone who had hurt me fairly recently. My excuse and my rational was that I did not want to keep holding hurt in my own heart and wanted to make amends.
The visit went well. We were both a little uncomfortable. But, the result was even more hurtful than before. I chastised myself over and over again.
- Why did I open that door?
- Was I trying to see if I still had feelings?
- Was I hoping he had changed?
- Was I thinking that I could convert the old situation into a positive one?
All of these questions were viable ones, but none were ones that were good enough to go against my own soul’s boundaries. Here is what I learned after spending the last two days almost completely quiet, searching for truth:
Everyone in my life, whether they choose to hurt me or support me is doing me a favor. EVERYONE!
The reason I have come to this conclusion is because each person is like a road sign steering me in the direction I need to be. Road signs warn you, keep you safe, and give you information about the unexpected coming ahead. When a sign says, “Stop,” or “Go in another direction!” You should be thankful for the knowledge the sign gives. Do not decide you know better than the sign. You could avoid a major collision if you simply pay attention to the road signs.
But, instead, old anxious attachment behavior comes up from the past and decides it wants to heal the past using a particular relationship. Daddy hurt me and now I need to make sure that Relationship X does not mirror my dad’s relationship with me. I need to, want to, have to… change the scenario! But, nothing changes, really, not in your mind and certainly not in the people who have hurt you.
My resolve is that every one of us on this earth shares in the One Mind of God. We were all made in Its image; therefore, we all have something that makes us related. It is within that one part of Divine Mind that we are all being steered into the right direction by the positive people and MOST IMPORTANTLY THE REJECTION!
Don’t let the neural pathways of your human brain steer you. You’ll end up going in circles around your pain.
After this past week, I can say with fortitude in my heart that I’m thankful for the STOP SIGNS in my life. They all have a face. They all are doing the will of God. They all have meaning. And each deserves my COMPLETE ATTENTION.
What they don’t deserve is my anger, my hurt, my negative behavior, and the distraction they cause in my life.
Are you in need of Life or Spiritual Coaching? I've been a life coach and clinical hypnotherapist and minister of New Thought for 25 years. I do my sessions online, so you can even have your session in bed, so that you can go directly to sleep during the hypnosis session. You must have a laptop or a notebook to do these sessions, either on Skype or Facetime. You can give me a call at 954-253-6493. My fee is $95 for an hour.
You can find all of my Books by Category at http://www.bosebastian.com/new-page/ All of these books have been birthed from my own spiritual growth. I guarantee you'll enjoy how each will help you maintain a positive mind, body, and spirit. Also, if you click on the Amazon site, you'll see all of my 15 book— Cookbooks, Novels, Self-Help Books, a Yoga DVD! All great gifts from your friend—Bo Sebastian. Simply go to this link at www.Amazon.com or type in my name. Find great gifts for yourself, family members, and friends by supporting another friend in the process! Thank you.
* * *
A Single Session w/Bo Sebastian
What would you feel like if everyday you loved yourself a little more…
What would you be if you loved and gave compassion unconditionally… to yourself first and then to others?
If you could imagine yourself so connected to God Source that everything you thought and every action you completed you trusted could heal yourself and, ultimately the world around you?
Create a Better Life with One Healing Session with Bo Sebastian
Call 954-253-6493 (All Sessions are done via PHONE, SKYPE or FACETIME.)
Bo works with people on SKYPE and FaceTime all over the world. He is taking new clients now. Call 954-253-6493 for information.
Take the time to look at Bo’s bookshelf of self-help books, novels, healing downloads, and yoga DVD. All of Bo’s books help people such as you, make SIGNIFICANT CHANGE with habits, find your SOULMATE, your PASSION, reach YOUR DREAMS, and dictate your own FUTURE.
Chosen to show his new hypnotherapeutic techniques on The Learning Channel (TLC) and also given the opportunity to teach at the world conference for Learning, and received the award of excellence for Helping Overcome Obesity in Nashville, Bo Sebastian is the writer and director of Finding Authentic You and Uncommon Gay Spiritual Warrior. Go directly to Amazon/Amazon Kindle to buy any of his wonderfully inspired books: ]
Friday, October 30, 2015
Bo Sebastian's Finding Authentic You!: What Does “One Mind” Mean? (A Light from Past Hurt...
How can we learn from the painful breakups of our past? Read on...
Bo Sebastian's Finding Authentic You!: What Does “One Mind” Mean? (A Light from Past Hurt...: I had an interesting experience yesterday. On the way home from an audition, since I was close, I stopped in to see an ex-boyfriend, someo...
Bo Sebastian's Finding Authentic You!: What Does “One Mind” Mean? (A Light from Past Hurt...: I had an interesting experience yesterday. On the way home from an audition, since I was close, I stopped in to see an ex-boyfriend, someo...
What Does “One Mind” Mean? (A Light from Past Hurt) #OneMind #DivineMind #ScienceofMind #SpiritualLiving
I had an interesting experience yesterday. On the way home from an audition, since I was close, I stopped in to see an ex-boyfriend, someone I had loved very much, but who hurt me deeply. Even while I was driving to his place of work, I had no idea why I was going there. However, I knew I needed to see him.
When I walked through the front door, he didn’t seem surprised to see me. In fact, he told me he had gotten to the store early, as he didn’t usually open for another hour.
We were both a little uncomfortable to hug, to talk. I told him I just wanted to say, hello, give him a hug, and be on my way. He detained me a bit with a few questions. I remained uncomfortable answering. I didn’t want him to share too much about his life or his current love, as I suspected he had. I kept asking myself if I were there because I wondered if I was still holding on to love, which needed to be released.
When I left, I was 99% convinced this man was the past, and that it was the right decision for him to break it off with me. I got a text message from him, later that evening that said, “I should have told you while you were at the shop that I am seeing someone right now who is very special.”
My reaction to the text was peculiar, different than what I had expected. It was a little anxious, as in the past anxiousness seems to always be around relationship—childhood issues, I know. So, I sat with the feelings. I had never grieved the breakup with him. I had only been angry, because I felt as if he had deceived me with his cunning way of drawing me close, then deciding I wasn’t enough, and ultimately, his real truth, that he wanted to see other people.
In my quietness, this divine message came to light:
If I truly believed that there is only ONE MIND, and this Mind is shared by all, then, a part of every human being we encounter in our lives is leading us to our highest and best. This is the case even when we feel as if someone is inviting us to leave his life. My ex directed me, just as much as the minister might direct me with words of encouragement.
All rejection is just a confirmation that we are moving on the wrong path. We must accept this concept and learn to live without placing “right” and “wrong” values on life situations. All people are living truth within this one perfect mind, as best as they can, and this same truth, emanating from the one Mind is leading us to our best and perfect path.
It was as if I drove into my past to find this answer—hidden in pain— that I refused to look at then, but was ready to see NOW. “I once was lost, but now I see!”
Are you in need of Life or Spiritual Coaching? I've been a life coach and clinical hypnotherapist and minister of New Thought for 25 years. I do my sessions online, so you can even have your session in bed, so that you can go directly to sleep during the hypnosis session. You must have a laptop or a notebook to do these sessions, either on Skype or Facetime. You can give me a call at 954-253-6493. My fee is $95 for an hour.
You can find all of my Books by Category at http://www.bosebastian.com/new-page/ All of these books have been birthed from my own spiritual growth. I guarantee you'll enjoy how each will help you maintain a positive mind, body, and spirit. Also, if you click on the Amazon site, you'll see all of my 15 book— Cookbooks, Novels, Self-Help Books, a Yoga DVD! All great gifts from your friend—Bo Sebastian. Simply go to this link at www.Amazon.com or type in my name. Find great gifts for yourself, family members, and friends by supporting another friend in the process! Thank you.
* * *
A Single Session w/Bo Sebastian
What would you feel like if everyday you loved yourself a little more…
What would you be if you loved and gave compassion unconditionally… to yourself first and then to others?
If you could imagine yourself so connected to God Source that everything you thought and every action you completed you trusted could heal yourself and, ultimately the world around you?
Create a Better Life with One Healing Session with Bo Sebastian
Call 954-253-6493 (All Sessions are done via PHONE, SKYPE or FACETIME.)
Bo works with people on SKYPE and FaceTime all over the world. He is taking new clients now. Call 954-253-6493 for information.
Take the time to look at Bo’s bookshelf of self-help books, novels, healing downloads, and yoga DVD. All of Bo’s books help people such as you, make SIGNIFICANT CHANGE with habits, find your SOULMATE, your PASSION, reach YOUR DREAMS, and dictate your own FUTURE.
Chosen to show his new hypnotherapeutic techniques on The Learning Channel (TLC) and also given the opportunity to teach at the world conference for Learning, and received the award of excellence for Helping Overcome Obesity in Nashville, Bo Sebastian is the writer and director of Finding Authentic You and Uncommon Gay Spiritual Warrior. Go directly to Amazon/Amazon Kindle to buy any of his wonderfully inspired books: ]
Thursday, October 29, 2015
Bo Sebastian's Finding Authentic You!: ORGANIZE MY LIFE! #Organizemylife #DivineMind #Sci...
Do you look with ANXIOUS ATTACHMENT at every seed that you plant, afraid that your seed won't grow properly, in your timing, and into something beautiful? Read on...
Bo Sebastian's Finding Authentic You!: ORGANIZE MY LIFE! #Organizemylife #DivineMind #Sci...: Someone told me that whenever I am stuck or depressed, ask myself a question that I know would have a positive answer. My question this ...
Bo Sebastian's Finding Authentic You!: ORGANIZE MY LIFE! #Organizemylife #DivineMind #Sci...: Someone told me that whenever I am stuck or depressed, ask myself a question that I know would have a positive answer. My question this ...
ORGANIZE MY LIFE! #Organizemylife #DivineMind #ScienceofMind #SpiritualLiving
Someone told me that whenever I am stuck or depressed, ask myself a question that I know would have a positive answer.
My question this morning was: “How can I effectively continue to manage my life, but, also, let go of the nagging control of the outcome of everything I do?” This, of course, is to avoid an anxious attachment to the outcome.
This is what I know: A week ago, a very old friend of mine posted a picture on Facebook. She was in the hospital emergency room and clearly in pain. I responded to the post, but made a mental note to continue to check in on her page to see about her recovery.
Three days later, I saw another picture of her looking restored and well. As I began to type my response to her, I saw a familiar face above my response line. Could it be? Is this my old friend from 28 years ago?
Alas, this was, indeed, Lorraine. I contacted her from that response. She immediately called me. She said that her mother and aunt had become ill and that she was coming to South Florida in three days. Would I be available?
I began to think about the synchronicity involved in discovering her picture, my other friend getting sick, seeing the post, even though I have 5000 friends and see about 1/100th of the posts I would like to see.
Three days later, as Lorraine and I we were talking and sharing at a Starbucks in the lobby of the hospital, I realized how absolutely pertinent my presence and her presence were to that moment. I recognized the sovereign power of God in organizing the intricate weave of our lives to create that incredible and deliberate moment.
So, how much easier is it for to answer my initial question now? I can avoid trying to control the anxiousness about the outcome of every audition and every idea in life by simply realizing that the same Power that organizes the universe… the same Mind that created humanity and keeps the planets circling the sun… the same Mind that brought me to this moment safely… graciously shares this Mind with me.
This same creative power of Mind that takes care of growing the plant after I sow the seed, also knows every pathway to my greatest success!
To add to this, Ernest Holmes writes:
When we plant a seed in the ground, we do not have a great sensation, and it is not probable that the soil has any sensation either; but the seed planted in the creative soil will, nevertheless, produce a plant. “What is true on one plane is true on all.” Know what you are doing, just as definitely as the gardener does!
Are you in need of Life or Spiritual Coaching? I've been a life coach and clinical hypnotherapist and minister of New Thought for 25 years. I do my sessions online, so you can even have your session in bed, so that you can go directly to sleep during the hypnosis session. You must have a laptop or a notebook to do these sessions, either on Skype or Facetime. You can give me a call at 954-253-6493. My fee is $95 for an hour.
You can find all of my Books by Category at http://www.bosebastian.com/new-page/ All of these books have been birthed from my own spiritual growth. I guarantee you'll enjoy how each will help you maintain a positive mind, body, and spirit. Also, if you click on the Amazon site, you'll see all of my 15 book— Cookbooks, Novels, Self-Help Books, a Yoga DVD! All great gifts from your friend—Bo Sebastian. Simply go to this link at www.Amazon.com or type in my name. Find great gifts for yourself, family members, and friends by supporting another friend in the process! Thank you.
* * *
A Single Session w/Bo Sebastian
What would you feel like if everyday you loved yourself a little more…
What would you be if you loved and gave compassion unconditionally… to yourself first and then to others?
If you could imagine yourself so connected to God Source that everything you thought and every action you completed you trusted could heal yourself and, ultimately the world around you?
Create a Better Life with One Healing Session with Bo Sebastian
Call 954-253-6493 (All Sessions are done via PHONE, SKYPE or FACETIME.)
Bo works with people on SKYPE and FaceTime all over the world. He is taking new clients now. Call 954-253-6493 for information.
Take the time to look at Bo’s bookshelf of self-help books, novels, healing downloads, and yoga DVD. All of Bo’s books help people such as you, make SIGNIFICANT CHANGE with habits, find your SOULMATE, your PASSION, reach YOUR DREAMS, and dictate your own FUTURE.
Chosen to show his new hypnotherapeutic techniques on The Learning Channel (TLC) and also given the opportunity to teach at the world conference for Learning, and received the award of excellence for Helping Overcome Obesity in Nashville, Bo Sebastian is the writer and director of Finding Authentic You and Uncommon Gay Spiritual Warrior. Go directly to Amazon/Amazon Kindle to buy any of his wonderfully inspired books: ]
Wednesday, October 28, 2015
Bo Sebastian's Finding Authentic You!: SuperBrain Yoga #superbrainyoga #duality #DivineMi...
This new treatment has been discovered to help everything from restoring memory loss to helping autism and mentally disabled children. Check it out!
Bo Sebastian's Finding Authentic You!: SuperBrain Yoga #superbrainyoga #duality #DivineMi...: Recently, I discovered a treatment that is new and interesting. It is called Super Brain Yoga, which is known to treat anything from the s...
Bo Sebastian's Finding Authentic You!: SuperBrain Yoga #superbrainyoga #duality #DivineMi...: Recently, I discovered a treatment that is new and interesting. It is called Super Brain Yoga, which is known to treat anything from the s...
SuperBrain Yoga #superbrainyoga #duality #DivineMind #ScienceofMind #SpiritualLiving
Recently, I discovered a treatment that is new and interesting. It is called Super Brain Yoga, which is known to treat anything from the simplest restoration of lost memory capacity—to helping mentally ill and cognitively incapacitated patients to attain the mental capacity to move, act differently, and sustain new skills. If you research this on the Web, you will discover the many different kinds of patients it has helped. The theory is quite interesting. I’m convinced enough to try it myself, so I thought I would share.
This practice is based on the principles of subtle energy and ear acupuncture. Basically, SuperBrain Yoga allows energy from your lower chakras–or energy centers–to move up to the forehead and crown chakras. When this happens, this energy is transformed into subtle energy, which is utilized by the brain to enhance its proper functioning.
Some of the benefits of SuperBrain Yoga:
- It energizes and activates the brain by synchronizing Alpha brain waves;
- It reduces psychological stress and improves psychological stability;
- It results in greater intelligence and creativity; and
- It promotes proper functionality of the brain.
Best of all, SuperBrain Yoga is really easy to learn. You can do it in just three minutes a day.
Step-by-Step Instructions:
This form of yoga should be done in the morning, so that your concentration and stress relief will apply throughout the whole day. Follow these seven steps:
- Remove all jewelry and stand up straight.
- Place your tongue on the roof of your mouth right behind your teeth (as if you were about to say “La”). Leave it there throughout the exercise.
- Take your left hand and cross your upper body to hold of your right earlobe with thumb and forefinger. Make sure that the thumb is in front.
- Now take your right hand across your upper body to hold of your left earlobe. Again, make sure that the thumb is in front. At this point you’re pressing both earlobes simultaneously. Make sure your left arm is close to your chest and inside your right arm.
- Inhale through your nose and slowly squat down toward the ground, being careful not to become imbalanced or hurt your knees. The requirement is to bend, not to overdo anything.
- Hold your breath and do not exhale until you start making your way back up to a standing position.
- Repeat this squatting action between 15 and 21 times. Remember to keep holding your earlobes and to keep your tongue touching the roof of your mouth throughout the entire exercise.
Tips and warnings: You may not notice a change immediately, but after a few weeks an improvement in concentration should become apparent. Once you realize the benefits of Super Brain Yoga, you will be recommending it to friends and family.
Are you in need of Life or Spiritual Coaching? I've been a life coach and clinical hypnotherapist and minister of New Thought for 25 years. I do my sessions online, so you can even have your session in bed, so that you can go directly to sleep during the hypnosis session. You must have a laptop or a notebook to do these sessions, either on Skype or Facetime. You can give me a call at 954-253-6493. My fee is $95 for an hour.
You can find all of my Books by Category at http://www.bosebastian.com/new-page/ All of these books have been birthed from my own spiritual growth. I guarantee you'll enjoy how each will help you maintain a positive mind, body, and spirit. Also, if you click on the Amazon site, you'll see all of my 15 book— Cookbooks, Novels, Self-Help Books, a Yoga DVD! All great gifts from your friend—Bo Sebastian. Simply go to this link at www.Amazon.com or type in my name. Find great gifts for yourself, family members, and friends by supporting another friend in the process! Thank you.
* * *
A Single Session w/Bo Sebastian
What would you feel like if everyday you loved yourself a little more…
What would you be if you loved and gave compassion unconditionally… to yourself first and then to others?
If you could imagine yourself so connected to God Source that everything you thought and every action you completed you trusted could heal yourself and, ultimately the world around you?
Create a Better Life with One Healing Session with Bo Sebastian
Call 954-253-6493 (All Sessions are done via PHONE, SKYPE or FACETIME.)
Bo works with people on SKYPE and FaceTime all over the world. He is taking new clients now. Call 954-253-6493 for information.
Take the time to look at Bo’s bookshelf of self-help books, novels, healing downloads, and yoga DVD. All of Bo’s books help people such as you, make SIGNIFICANT CHANGE with habits, find your SOULMATE, your PASSION, reach YOUR DREAMS, and dictate your own FUTURE.
Chosen to show his new hypnotherapeutic techniques on The Learning Channel (TLC) and also given the opportunity to teach at the world conference for Learning, and received the award of excellence for Helping Overcome Obesity in Nashville, Bo Sebastian is the writer and director of Finding Authentic You and Uncommon Gay Spiritual Warrior. Go directly to Amazon/Amazon Kindle to buy any of his wonderfully inspired books: ]
Tuesday, October 27, 2015
Bo Sebastian's Finding Authentic You!: Hard to Let Go #treatment #duality #DivineMind #Sc...
THE HARDEST JOB IN ANY CREATIVE PROCESS IS "LETTING GO!" Read on... Bo Sebastian's Finding Authentic You!: Hard to Let Go #tre
atment #duality #DivineMind #Sc...: I had always thought the key to creating in life was to work hard. From the time I was a young boy, I studied hard, got straight A’s, went...
atment #duality #DivineMind #Sc...: I had always thought the key to creating in life was to work hard. From the time I was a young boy, I studied hard, got straight A’s, went...
Hard to Let Go #treatment #duality #DivineMind #ScienceofMind #SpiritualLiving
I had always thought the key to creating in life was to work hard. From the time I was a young boy, I studied hard, got straight A’s, went to college, and forced my way through closed doors. I had always felt this was the best modality, as that was what I saw around me in the effective examples of those who were bosses and executives.
However, as I began to start my own creative business, I realized that creation is much different than pushing your way to the top in a nine-to-five world. In fact, much of the creative process is about doing the hard work, and then LETTING GO!
What does this mean to someone who has spent the last three years writing a novel?
Coming from someone who had done this 14 times and pushed and pushed my way into agencies and publishing companies, I realized that nothing good comes from pushing—NOTHING! The best resolve I have had over the years has come unexpectedly and by being prepared. In other words, my job as a creator is to create. So, my advice to you is this:
- Do you job!
- Sow your seeds!
- When opportunity knocks, BE PREPARED!
Once you present yourself, your product, or your art, then the rest is up to someone else, usually. So, how can any form of force, albeit even mental force, be of any help? It truly cannot. In fact, this kind of mental force will only cause disappointment in the end, especially if the end result does not go in your direction, which is the case most of the time in the creative arts.
The best resolve in this situation is to always be prepared, continue to create, and LET IT GO!
I may be speaking to the choir, but almost every day I face the possibility of rejection. I go to an audition. I do the best I can. And, the rest is NOT up to me. In fact, even after I get an audition, my part of the film may end up on the editing floor. Does it matter? In the end, no. I have done the job I was hired to do. My part is over.
The best advice I have ever gotten concerning life is that: We plant the seeds; God grows the tree.
You must be firm in your resolve to stay with this premise in every situation. You cannot force life to happen in any situation, no matter how strong-willed you think you are. Your will is often what is keeping your good from flowing easily to you!
Are you in need of Life or Spiritual Coaching? I've been a life coach and clinical hypnotherapist and minister of New Thought for 25 years. I do my sessions online, so you can even have your session in bed, so that you can go directly to sleep during the hypnosis session. You must have a laptop or a notebook to do these sessions, either on Skype or Facetime. You can give me a call at 954-253-6493. My fee is $95 for an hour.
You can find all of my Books by Category at http://www.bosebastian.com/new-page/ All of these books have been birthed from my own spiritual growth. I guarantee you'll enjoy how each will help you maintain a positive mind, body, and spirit. Also, if you click on the Amazon site, you'll see all of my 15 book— Cookbooks, Novels, Self-Help Books, a Yoga DVD! All great gifts from your friend—Bo Sebastian. Simply go to this link at www.Amazon.com or type in my name. Find great gifts for yourself, family members, and friends by supporting another friend in the process! Thank you.
* * *
A Single Session w/Bo Sebastian
What would you feel like if everyday you loved yourself a little more…
What would you be if you loved and gave compassion unconditionally… to yourself first and then to others?
If you could imagine yourself so connected to God Source that everything you thought and every action you completed you trusted could heal yourself and, ultimately the world around you?
Create a Better Life with One Healing Session with Bo Sebastian
Call 954-253-6493 (All Sessions are done via PHONE, SKYPE or FACETIME.)
Bo works with people on SKYPE and FaceTime all over the world. He is taking new clients now. Call 954-253-6493 for information.
Take the time to look at Bo’s bookshelf of self-help books, novels, healing downloads, and yoga DVD. All of Bo’s books help people such as you, make SIGNIFICANT CHANGE with habits, find your SOULMATE, your PASSION, reach YOUR DREAMS, and dictate your own FUTURE.
Chosen to show his new hypnotherapeutic techniques on The Learning Channel (TLC) and also given the opportunity to teach at the world conference for Learning, and received the award of excellence for Helping Overcome Obesity in Nashville, Bo Sebastian is the writer and director of Finding Authentic You and Uncommon Gay Spiritual Warrior. Go directly to Amazon/Amazon Kindle to buy any of his wonderfully inspired books: ]
Monday, October 26, 2015
Bo Sebastian's Finding Authentic You!: One Mind #treatment #duality #DivineMind #Scienceo...
If 84% of the world believe in God, then most of us believe that the world was created by a Source of Power. So, then, don't we also have to believe that there exists a place to create. What might this place be called? Read on..
Bo Sebastian's Finding Authentic You!: One Mind #treatment #duality #DivineMind #Scienceo...: How difficult is it to believe that One Mind made the entire universe? Most of us, in fact 84% of the world, believe that a power exists t...
Bo Sebastian's Finding Authentic You!: One Mind #treatment #duality #DivineMind #Scienceo...: How difficult is it to believe that One Mind made the entire universe? Most of us, in fact 84% of the world, believe that a power exists t...
One Mind #treatment #duality #DivineMind #ScienceofMind #SpiritualLiving
How difficult is it to believe that One Mind made the entire universe? Most of us, in fact 84% of the world, believe that a power exists that is called God. If we breakdown what we believe, we would consider that there was a source of power (God) that decided it wanted to create. Hence, it spoke its word into the depths of the darkness (the creative Mind). The worlds were, then, created. No one knows how long this took. Scientists and creationists would fight about this fact. But, ultimately, that fact simply doesn’t matter, when you when you consider the grandiosity that we speak of.
My point, though, is that there had to be a PLACE to create; otherwise, there would be no universe. In some cultures, for instance, the Tao would say that the darkness is sacred, because from the darkness—in the darkness—the universe formed. I would have to agree with this premise, because this unused energy was readily available for God to create. Since we are made in the image of God, hence the offspring of God, we may create using this same energy as well.
This place is called One Mind. This is the one place that everyone in totality shares, because it was out of this matter we, too, were created. Or, as it is said “we were in the mind of God” at the beginning. So, how hard is it to stretch your belief one step further to imagine that this One Mind, because it is shared by all, can also be used to treat or help others?
For me, it seems right and just that God would provide a place for all of us to converge to help each other, regain strength, and even, perhaps, gain insight together.
I speak a lot about meditation and encourage you, almost daily, to meditate. But, the place IN MIND that you must go to make all of this happen is not in your body. It is not in your brain. It is, however, in the part of your Consciousness that observes and dreams. So, if you can imagine a friend’s cancer healed, that person should be able to feel your thoughts, because we share One Mind.
You may have already experienced this with a close friend or relative. You are so tightly knit, that you know each other’s thoughts and feelings. I have a few friends like this. I believe the reason I feel them and sense their thoughts is because I think about them often. When I imagine them, my mind and their minds unity. When this happens, we experience the same thoughts and feelings.
This is why many people praying at the same time is an effective way to make change. The power of prayer exponentially grows when the intention of many people come together in one place–IN ONE MIND. If you have ever experienced thousands of people praying together, you would know what I mean.
So, today, simply think about exiting your self-thoughts and entering into a place of One Mind. Simply imagine the possibility of unity. That’s all that it takes to begin this process.
Are you in need of Life or Spiritual Coaching? I've been a life coach and clinical hypnotherapist and minister of New Thought for 25 years. I do my sessions online, so you can even have your session in bed, so that you can go directly to sleep during the hypnosis session. You must have a laptop or a notebook to do these sessions, either on Skype or Facetime. You can give me a call at 954-253-6493. My fee is $95 for an hour.
You can find all of my Books by Category at http://www.bosebastian.com/new-page/ All of these books have been birthed from my own spiritual growth. I guarantee you'll enjoy how each will help you maintain a positive mind, body, and spirit. Also, if you click on the Amazon site, you'll see all of my 15 book— Cookbooks, Novels, Self-Help Books, a Yoga DVD! All great gifts from your friend—Bo Sebastian. Simply go to this link at www.Amazon.com or type in my name. Find great gifts for yourself, family members, and friends by supporting another friend in the process! Thank you.
* * *
A Single Session w/Bo Sebastian
What would you feel like if everyday you loved yourself a little more…
What would you be if you loved and gave compassion unconditionally… to yourself first and then to others?
If you could imagine yourself so connected to God Source that everything you thought and every action you completed you trusted could heal yourself and, ultimately the world around you?
Create a Better Life with One Healing Session with Bo Sebastian
Call 954-253-6493 (All Sessions are done via PHONE, SKYPE or FACETIME.)
Bo works with people on SKYPE and FaceTime all over the world. He is taking new clients now. Call 954-253-6493 for information.
Take the time to look at Bo’s bookshelf of self-help books, novels, healing downloads, and yoga DVD. All of Bo’s books help people such as you, make SIGNIFICANT CHANGE with habits, find your SOULMATE, your PASSION, reach YOUR DREAMS, and dictate your own FUTURE.
Chosen to show his new hypnotherapeutic techniques on The Learning Channel (TLC) and also given the opportunity to teach at the world conference for Learning, and received the award of excellence for Helping Overcome Obesity in Nashville, Bo Sebastian is the writer and director of Finding Authentic You and Uncommon Gay Spiritual Warrior. Go directly to Amazon/Amazon Kindle to buy any of his wonderfully inspired books: ]
Sunday, October 25, 2015
Bo Sebastian's Finding Authentic You!: Duality #treatment #duality #DivineMind #Scienceof...
There is a difference in "respecting and not judging other religions" and serving up a small portion of a "buffet of religions" to satisfy your spiritual needs. The latter may be causing duality in your life. Read on..
Bo Sebastian's Finding Authentic You!: Duality #treatment #duality #DivineMind #Scienceof...: Can you believe in one perfect Law of life and, also, believe in many other ways or traditions that may produce the same results? In fact,...
Bo Sebastian's Finding Authentic You!: Duality #treatment #duality #DivineMind #Scienceof...: Can you believe in one perfect Law of life and, also, believe in many other ways or traditions that may produce the same results? In fact,...
Duality #treatment #duality #DivineMind #ScienceofMind #SpiritualLiving
Can you believe in one perfect Law of life and, also, believe in many other ways or traditions that may produce the same results? In fact, some people—many spiritual people—move through spiritual belief like they are trying on new clothing. They go from one store to the next taking the tasty delights that are offered at gratis. Some stay for a while. Others, move quickly to the next place, hoping to find something tastier, that fits better, looks better, or feels better.
I am not saying that making sure that you have found the right community of believers to grow with is not important—not at all. It is very important. But, once you find something that you believe in, do you also recognize that as soon as the course gets difficult that you move on? If so, you may want to read this blog.
I am going to focus in on how multiple belief systems can not only contradict each other, but nullify each other, as well. Specifically, if you are studying New Thought in the form of Science of Mind, which is the template of truth I tend to lead one to, this path is a solo path—at least at the beginning of your search for truth.
We can believe that other truths exist and will help other people. We can honor and respect those who believe in these alternate truths. But, if we expect to see clarity in our resolve of our own spiritual work, we must stay close to the one truth in the Law of Principle of that particular religion or science and focus on it, entirely.
What does that mean? Ernest Holmes in the Science of Mind says that we must “claim that no form of race-suggestion, belief in limitation, subjective idea of limitation, thought of karma, fatalism, theology or hell, horoscope, or any other false belief has power!”
When I read that paragraph this morning, I kind of cringed. What other religions and theologies have I been using to create my truth and my life besides the Science of Mind? Let’s look at a few of the “false beliefs” Holmes points out.
Karma is the spiritual principle of cause and effect where intent and actions of an individual (cause) influence the future of that individual (effect). How does Karma not align with the Science of Mind? It seems by the definition from Wikipedia that this law is specifically designed with the Principles of SOM, especially cause and effect. However, there is a particular part of Karma or the Law of Karma that most people believe that does not align. This, specifically, is where we must take a closer look. Most people who believe in Karma, also, believe we come into this world with some stigma from past lives and that these stigmas must be undone to move on toward something greater. This is the part of karma can undo your spiritual practice of SOM. If you set out, for instance, to treat for wholeness, but you also believe that your physical problems “might be” a result of having “chopped off someone’s arm” in another life, your mind is set to duality. You simply will not express healing in this area, unless you let go of the idea that you are being hindered by the karma of another life.
Fatalism is the idea that man is powerless to do anything other than what we actually do, including the idea that man has no power to influence the future or his own actions. This is very similar to Predeterminism. We can easily see that if we believe that we have no power over our own future, this will ultimately affect the principles of SOM. In fact, our entire belief depends upon the exact opposite of predetermination.
Theology and Hell: Holmes placed these two words together, purposely, because most religious theology believes in a Santa Claus-like god that rewards the deeds of the good and denies the needs of the bad; eventually leading the bad to hell or eternal damnation. If you believe in this kind of theology, how could this harm you in your spiritual movement toward enlightenment? First of all, this kind of belief breeds judgments of all kinds. When your focus is judging other’s behaviors as good or bad, you are likely to be harsh on your own self. Rather, if you simply believe that love and compassion are your measuring stick for life and for your future, then you can put away all of the other judgment of others and focus in on the only thing that you can control—your own belief. We must believe in the highest Law possible—that we are creators on this earth, made in the image of God. If we believe that, then we do release ourselves from being controlled by a lesser law.
Horoscope: This is the one word that stuck out like a sore thumb. I know that many SOM teachers, whom I know, believe in astrology. So, I investigated this one properly. First of all, a horoscope is an “astrological chart” that would conclude what your future holds. Not all people who believe in the basic tenets of astrology would go so far as to get an astrological chart and follow it to guide her toward future actions. For me, I simply say, “Virgo,” when people ask me what is my sign. But, from there, I don’t give it much credence, though I believe there is great significance in all of the universe and its tendency to be aligned with our lives. So, believing in the simple tenet that all things align in the universe, including the stars, is not contradicting any SOM principle. But, should you choose to believe in your horoscope OVER the idea that you have power in your thought and words in Divine Mind, then you have a contradiction that you must deal with to move forward in your SOM practice.
If you are learning the Principles of Creating with the Science of Your Mind, mapping out the important principles of SOM, and studying daily, you may want to put aside other such beliefs that seem to contradict what you are learning, for a time, at least. A master or doctor in this science would have no problem separating the two. But, someone who is initially studying these concepts would end up in dualistic ideas causing one to stumble, perhaps, in his or her initial attempts at using the Science of Mind tools to create a more prosperous and loving life.
Are you in need of Life or Spiritual Coaching? I've been a life coach and clinical hypnotherapist and minister of New Thought for 25 years. I do my sessions online, so you can even have your session in bed, so that you can go directly to sleep during the hypnosis session. You must have a laptop or a notebook to do these sessions, either on Skype or Facetime. You can give me a call at 954-253-6493. My fee is $95 for an hour.
You can find all of my Books by Category at http://www.bosebastian.com/new-page/ All of these books have been birthed from my own spiritual growth. I guarantee you'll enjoy how each will help you maintain a positive mind, body, and spirit. Also, if you click on the Amazon site, you'll see all of my 15 book— Cookbooks, Novels, Self-Help Books, a Yoga DVD! All great gifts from your friend—Bo Sebastian. Simply go to this link at www.Amazon.com or type in my name. Find great gifts for yourself, family members, and friends by supporting another friend in the process! Thank you.
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A Single Session w/Bo Sebastian
What would you feel like if everyday you loved yourself a little more…
What would you be if you loved and gave compassion unconditionally… to yourself first and then to others?
If you could imagine yourself so connected to God Source that everything you thought and every action you completed you trusted could heal yourself and, ultimately the world around you?
Create a Better Life with One Healing Session with Bo Sebastian
Call 954-253-6493 (All Sessions are done via PHONE, SKYPE or FACETIME.)
Bo works with people on SKYPE and FaceTime all over the world. He is taking new clients now. Call 954-253-6493 for information.
Take the time to look at Bo’s bookshelf of self-help books, novels, healing downloads, and yoga DVD. All of Bo’s books help people such as you, make SIGNIFICANT CHANGE with habits, find your SOULMATE, your PASSION, reach YOUR DREAMS, and dictate your own FUTURE.
Chosen to show his new hypnotherapeutic techniques on The Learning Channel (TLC) and also given the opportunity to teach at the world conference for Learning, and received the award of excellence for Helping Overcome Obesity in Nashville, Bo Sebastian is the writer and director of Finding Authentic You and Uncommon Gay Spiritual Warrior. Go directly to Amazon/Amazon Kindle to buy any of his wonderfully inspired books: ]
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