Thursday, March 26, 2015

Navigating Death and Dying

A dear friend of mine passed early this morning so unexpectedly, so early—at fifty, at the height of her talent, her beautiful singing and acting talent. I had the pleasure of working with her often enough to know her heart and her inner voice. My soul aches at the loss of her humanness. But, Even though we may be grieving, consider this: The passing of a human soul can be to our benefit, especially when we have a soul connection to that person as she was in a human body. Now she is in spirit, acting as Spirit, completely and totally.

No soul dies—ever. It goes on—to where? we certainly don’t know. But, I am sure, the soul continues on a spiritual journey far beyond my imagination. My hope is that these souls will continue learning, and, perhaps, they may even come back to help the soul clusters that they were living with as humans. I have always felt the divine presence of some of my closest friends who have passed. I know I’ve spoken of it before. You can look up my blog: “Linda Has Passed, Now What?” to find out my views about this.

But, what I want to touch on today is the prayer I was led to in my morning meditation. First, I felt my friend’s presence all around me, as I began to speak. Remember, if she is one in God, and I am one in God, then we are One!

So, I shared this truth with her spirit, and maybe with my own as I began, “We are one today, more One than I had ever imagined, so soon, and so quickly. But, I’m thankful for your transition to perfection, because I know that Spirit does everything perfectly and in perfect timing. So, I’m knowing that you and I, and all the people you have touched are ONE right now, rejoicing in the life we shared together on earth and collectively, with the angels, readying you for your journey onward and forward. I release you to the law of life, knowing that your soul will always be with me. Be happy, be free, be completely and totally LOVE! And so it is!”

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