I used to go to a church in NYC where many of the people were on the verge of poverty. The pastor was a dynamic speaker who would often preach about prosperity. He talked about how we have a rich and powerful God who is more than willing to share his good from heaven. In fact, the pastor said, “A storehouse existed for each of us in heaven that contained all of our wealth that we have collected as a result of giving.”
This all makes sense when a preacher needs to get enough money to keep his church alive, he wants his parishioners to prosper and then give reciprocally. After three years of going to that church as a youth, I realized that many of the people were still exactly where they were financially three years prior to my realization. But, each of those particular people would confess to you that God is ready to pour out a blessing on him/her that would need two banks to hold the money.
What I realized in those situations was that faith and faith alone was not enough to get anything. Faith plus Action is the key to realizing your amazing dream.
So, for example, you have a desire to be a great actor. You begin with a blueprint of what you believe you want in six months, a year, two years, and then five years. You look at the nuts and bolts of what makes a good actor become famous. You read stories about how your favorite actor EVOLVED and begin to make this your story.
As I have researched this particular subject, I can tell you that you first go to school to study your craft. Even Meryl Streep still studies weekly when she is not starring in a film. Yes, the great and wonderful actress still studies, as do most actors everywhere.
Then, once you study, you must begin to audition to get small roles and build your resume. You must get the best photographs taken. You must write and print a resume of your skills. Then, after all of that, you don’t just sit and wait for God to make you a star. No, you pay your dues. You go to auditions. You sit for hours, sometimes, waiting to be seen for a part you know that you’d be right for. When you get an audition, you research the part as if you already had the role. You learn your lines. You study the music. You recreate the scenes and if it’s appropriate the time period to understand the character.
In other words, you take action to fulfill your dream. For other kinds of dreams or jobs, of course, your tactic would be the same, but you would use different ACTIONS to move toward your goal.
Money and fame and security come to those who trust Spirit to provide the means for prosperity, but who are also working everyday to fulfill the dream until it comes into fruition. Action plus Faith equals Success.
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A Single Session w/Bo Sebastian
What would you feel like if everyday you loved yourself a little more…
What would you be if you loved and gave compassion unconditionally… to yourself first and then to others?
If you could imagine yourself so connected to God Source that everything you thought and every action you completed you trusted could heal yourself and, ultimately the world around you?
Create a Better Life with One Healing Session with Bo Sebastian
Call 954-253-6493 (All Sessions are done via SKYPE or FACETIME.)
If you are a gay man or woman, you may want to direct your gaze to my newest blog: Uncommon Gay Spiritual Warrior. This blog is an extension of my Facebook page
(https://www.facebook.com/UncommonGaySpiritualWarrior/) and group meetings about the rare combination of spirituality and "being gay" defines the most important part of us, even in relationship. Join me at: http://uncommongayspiritualwarrior.blogspot.com/.
Bo works with people on SKYPE and FaceTime all over the world. He is taking new clients now. Call 954-253-6493 for information.
Take the time to look at Bo’s bookshelf of self-help books, novels, healing downloads, and yoga DVD. All of Bo’s books help people such as you, make SIGNIFICANT CHANGE with habits, find your SOULMATE, your PASSION, reach YOUR DREAMS, and dictate your own FUTURE.
Chosen to show his new hypnotherapeutic techniques on The Learning Channel (TLC) and also given the opportunity to teach at the world conference for Learning, and received the award of excellence for Helping Overcome Obesity in Nashville, Bo Sebastian is the writer and director of Finding Authentic You and Uncommon Gay Spiritual Warrior. Go directly to Amazon/Amazon Kindle to buy any of his wonderfully inspired books: ]
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