Crisis Consciousness
#anxiety #stress #energysuckers #boundaries
Joe typically has a great deal on his plate. He tends to let people and important jobs slip through his fingers, because the only part of his life he ends up managing is the Crisis in front of him—and he has many. I spoke with him, recently. Since he moved out from his loving relationship to build a self-secluded life (he felt his relationship kept him from autonomy), he has had to move six times in two years, each time adding a roommate (which was completely opposite of his initial desire); he has had 3 different jobs, and has had financial difficulty at every turn. As you can see, Joe is addicted to Crisis Consciousness.
In the business of Life Coaching, many people don’t understand how to move out of this consciousness. They feel crisis follows them around like bad herpes syndrome, always popping up when they are most stressed. As it stands, the anxiety in Joe’s life is never ending. I’m not surprised he has heart problems, because the first organ that is attacked during stress is the heart.
So, how does Joe go from Crisis Consciousness to Christ Consciousness? Joe isn’t much of a religious or spiritual person.
This isn’t a problem. Christ simply means anointed. Just replace the word. His mind has to change, because life doesn’t change around him, unless he can manage to see change in his mind, first. Circumstances come into his life as a result of cause and effect. If he moves out of a secure place, into a place that he can’t afford, because he subconsciously wants to self-sabotage a solid place of security, then moving into an unsafe place was his decision. So, the following problems in his life happened as a result of first cause. Joe doesn’t surprise me, as he now wants to go back to the original situation he left—having a secure partner and a safe place to be. He realizes now, much too late, that he made some bad choices in the past couple of years.
So, how does Joe change his consciousness and begin right where he is in the present?
1. Admitting his mistake and honoring his human decision to want to be in a place that felt comfortable is the first item on the list. You must understand why you make poor choices, so that you can try to NOT make them again, as your life changes for the better.
2. Learning to ask for guidance is also an important factor. Most people who are completely crisis driven, never take the time to do anything but complain about their circumstance. After much trying to dig himself out of a hole, Joe asked me for advice. I was very specific, because I could see clearly that his family consistently dragged him into crisis WITH them. I told him he needed to make clearer boundaries with family, only helping them out, when it was absolutely imperative. Otherwise, he must leave them to their own demise and let go of their dependent behavior. Remember: You can only have a dependent, if YOU are a Co-Dependent! I may have to give you different advice, but I suggest finding a therapist or Life Coach who can help you manage your life with a positive surge into your own personal power. If you can’t afford a coach, try reading my book: Finding Authentic You, which will give you daily, affirming ways to change your life for the better. If you have a computer or Kindle, you can buy the book as a download for only $3.99. That’s not much to invest in your life.
3. The most important factor is this: believe in a power greater than Crisis. Believe that Spirit or your life situation is always willing to change if you are. I promise you, your decisions will become clearer, as you rid your life of the energy sucking problems, and stick to making positive choices, even when they try to lure you back with guilt and promises to help—which never works.
You may have to sit in your own bad choices for a short while, as you solve problems. You may have to go without for some time, while you put your finances back in order. But, the Author and Finisher of your life is willing and always ready to help manage you, if you get out of the way and begin every day with a meditation. Clearing the mind of the problem and becoming an observer, helps you put your situational issues in perspective, no matter if you are spiritual or not. (You can find many discoveries on my blog about meditation, if you search in and just type in the word.)
[Chosen to show his new hypno-therapeutic techniques on The Learning Channel and also given the opportunity to teach at the world conference for Learning, and Given the award of excellence for Helping Overcome Obesity in Nashville, Bo Sebastian, the writer and director of Finding Authentic You and Uncommon Gay Spiritual Warrior, helps people such as you make SIGNIFICANT CHANGE with habits, find your SOULMATE, your PASSION, experience YOUR DREAMS, and dictate your own FUTURE. Challenge yourself with one of his 13 books, healing CDs (weight loss, meditation, smoke cessation and more) or his Yoga DVD on Amazon or Amazon/Kindle:]
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