Friday, April 25, 2014

Wrong Things, Right Things—You Decide What’s Right! #beinganadult #bettingonyourself #investinginyourdreams #lastdays #revelations

Wrong Things, Right Things—You Decide What’s Right!
#beinganadult #bettingonyourself #investinginyourdreams #lastdays #revelations

Have you ever thought about what is the difference between being an adult and being a child? The closest I’ve come to an answer is: Whenever you don’t need written laws or dictums to decide your life’s choices or whenever you can rely on your heart for the best and highest choice, you have entered adulthood.

We want our children to be able to make the correct choices. However, without the training and assignment of right and wrong, our youth will continually make bad choices. So, we give them laws. God decided the Jews needed laws as they travel Mount Sinai, because they were making bad choices for themselves and the community. So, Moses gave them the 10 Commandments, or first laws.

However, history tell us that Jesus came into the picture and said, “The Word (or the Law) will be written on our hearts in the last days…” Are the last days OUR personal last days on earth or EVERYONE’S last days, meaning that the last days are, perhaps, our final days on earth as mature adults? Though a “Revelations” experience may happen, it may not be what we have been taught by church leaders will transpire. Maybe, we have a little more control about our own end and the ability to make our own safe choices with our heart during our final days in this human existence. If so, that would make us adult children of Spirit, ready to use that charge card in Spirit’s name and move out of the law to find our Authentic Selves.

Life is about living from our hearts and experiencing from out deepest authentic self. I have recently had a new book published that is called: “Theoraphasz: God Speaks in the Final Days of Human Development.” If this subject intrigues you, you can get a copy on Amazon just by clicking on the link below:

Also, Finding Authentic You, which is the name of my new book and self guide, is meant to help you find a way to get to all of your goals, understand your self and spiritual believe, discover the most distinct you, unlock all of your negative thinking, and help you replace it with positive, creative thought using many different modalities, including hypnosis, prayer, and psychology. Once you know yourself, then relationship is a fairly easy task.

Listen, I really need your help to buy my new book (below) and share it with friends. No project in this world launches without a community of people who value its importance. This is why I have made it $2.99 for the download version.

For much more information about finding out about the psychology of the human mind and being your authentic self, self-love, and self-esteem, check out my new book below. “Finding Authentic You” will answer many of the questions I propose above. The book also has many discoveries about health, both mental and physical, as well as spiritual discoveries to lead you to your highest and best! Thanks for being a part of my tribe and helping me make this book be a Bestseller.

Finding Authentic You: With
365 Daily Discoveries & 7 Steps to Effective Change

* Bo Sebastian is a Hypnotherapist and Life & Health Coach, available for private sessions to QUIT SMOKING, Lose Weight, New Lap-Band Hypnosis for Weight Loss, CHANGE YOUR MIND, CHANGE YOUR LIFE! at 615-400-2334 or Please feel free to comment and/or sign up to receive your blog sent to you directly or stream with an RSS Feed. Please spread the word by liking the page or sharing this with your friends. 

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