The Blackboard in Your Mind
Imagine arriving at a classroom with the chalkboard being
completely filled with mathematical and scientific formulas. You sit down at
your desk. Before the teacher even begins his talk, you get discouraged and
distracted by what is on the blackboard. Do
you understand any of the formulas? Is this information new or old? Is it a
Suddenly, you become a little anxious. You find it harder to
hear the teacher explain your daily lesson. He teaches slowly and peacefully,
yet, you find it hard to listen to the calmness, because the anxiety has your
full attention.
This metaphor is a prime example of what happens in
meditation when you have too much unresolved information in your mind. To erase
the chalkboard clearly would be the answer. But how?
This is an age-old question that spiritual men and women
have been asking since the beginning of time. I’d like to share some insights
as to how I change the board and
enter into a solid state of meditation daily.
Your mind has three parts: the voice that regulates the body
(hunger, fear, pain, thirst, and sexuality); the voice that deducts current
information (your awakened state—as in work); and the inductive mind, which is
the observer and the artist within.
Calming the reptilian brain, the voice of the body, can be
the easiest of the three. Most people simply do some sort of rigorous exercise,
like yoga. Or, if they are already fatigued, then do progressive relaxation of
the body, using the deductive mind as a tool to relax the limbs and slow down
the breath, which would regulate the heart beat.
Here is one particular exercise I use:
turn on a metronome to 60 beats per minute
(there are many cell phone apps);
begin to inhale for six counts and exhale for
six counts;
if you feel that your body is tense, you may add
an eye movement. Move your eyes high to the ceiling on the inhale, and to your
toes on the exhale. Or left and right as you inhale and exhale;
do this for 3-5 minutes, trying to stay very
To calm the deductive mind, simply release from the control
of your body, your breathing, and your eyes. As you begin to observe your
breath and wait for each exhale and inhale, your mind automatically releases
from control the body. The ego mind is a master at retaining your attention, so
beside this, we must also create a deal with the cognitive deductive mind.
I say to myself, “If you (my deductive, chattering part of
the brain) want to communicate with me, you must show me a picture on the blank
screen in front of me.” Then I imagine a black screen or blackboard completely
empty. I wait here in the silence.
If I hear a voice trying to speak, I either consider my
latter command again, or ask the voice, “Who is speaking?” Again, I wait in the
So, going back to our blackboard image at the beginning, the
objective is actually to clear the mind of intentionally trying to solve what
is on the board, not erase it. Simply let it be. Create another board with
nothing on it. Watch the new black screen. Allow for spirit to create answers
on it, instead of in your own mind.
The paradigm of meditation is completely setting your self
apart from the ego. You watch your mind and body compassionately, as opposed to
trying to figure life out. In so doing, you create a place (the blank screen) where
spirit can communicate.
* * *
Bo Sebastian is a Hypnotherapist and Life & Health
Coach, available for private sessions to QUIT SMOKING, Lose Weight, New
Lap-Band Hypnosis for Weight Loss, CHANGE YOUR MIND, CHANGE YOUR LIFE! at
615-400-2334 or
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