Thursday, August 15, 2013

Giving Improves Self-Worth

Giving Improves Self-Worth

The second Noble Truth in Buddhist teaches that the inability to be content with what we have or who we are comes when our minds are filled with greed or desire. Suffering of all types automatically follows. This attitude of selfishness and greediness is the primary cause of dissatisfaction in life, eventually robbing us of our peace of mind.

I think of this truth often as I pursue life and pursue it more abundantly. What exactly is prosperity in my life if it expresses as anxiety? When something stymies my joy, I automatically refer to the ancient Buddhist idea that all in the human path is suffering. To be released from suffering, I must liberate myself from Self-ishness or the Ego’s insufferable need to have more, be more, eat more and covet more.

In the process of releasing the ego, I recognize that it is in the giving to the world that true happiness comes. I made a pact with Spirit long ago that as I am a giver to life and of my abundance, I will be taken care of according to the riches of God in heaven. As I have believed completely in this prayer, I have never been remiss of the money or the food or the clothes or the dwelling I would need to live a completely comfortable life.

A vast difference comes between creating and working for money and creating and working from a deep place in the soul that wants to be a conduit for good. The exact amount of money, business, people, clients, friends, and love comes to your life automatically because of understanding this one Noble Truth: It is not with taking we find joy, but with giving from the human condition as a funnel for God’s good, that we experience peace beyond all understanding.

If you have found that your life is void of love, joy, prosperity, or peace; you need not worry any longer. One simple solution to all of the above is giving of your self. When you do this, every part of your being feels peace and joy. With this, you develop a sense of purpose to life. With purpose automatically comes self worth.

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Bo Sebastian is a Hypnotherapist and Life & Health Coach, available for private sessions to QUIT SMOKING, Lose Weight, New Lap-Band Hypnosis for Weight Loss, CHANGE YOUR MIND, CHANGE YOUR LIFE! at 615-400-2334 or FOR COMMENTS: Go to the Bo Sebastian link under the title and there is a place there to create a comment. Thanks.

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