Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Invisible Principles at Work

Invisible Principles at Work

After years of spiritual searching—pulling away, searching again—then giving up on the powers of something greater than I at work, I have come to the conclusion that invisible powers work in my life daily. I can’t put a name to them, because any word would be too miniscule. I see these powers daily in the brush of a cool wind, the beauty of a flower petal, or smile of a stranger.

Mostly, though, I see invisible powers in synchronicity—in the way life interweaves with ease and intricacy. Years will pass and I will visit an old friend. As if time didn’t exist, the friend will have experienced the same path I had traveled, but from a different perspective. Our lives, though they have been separate, have never really moved from the tightly braded knot that life somehow weaves using all of us.

Coming to the understanding that everything happens for a reason and that invisible powers work on our behalf is the only means by which we can make sense of a vastly confusing world. Chaos seems to be the prime ingredient of every human day. If only but for a few minutes daily, we could come out of our ego selves and experience the world from above in meditation, we could get a glimpse of the vast network of principles needed to make a chaotic world look simple and miraculous.

I don’t need to look at all the bad in the world when I know that, for some reason, all of it is working together to create for my soul the perfect breeding ground for experiential knowledge. From the time I was mugged with a machete in NYC to getting my first acting role, to moving to Nashville, to becoming a hypnotherapist—everything had a reason.

This blog has been a place where I see divine destiny taking place in my own life. From my own source of experiences and lessons, I have helped thousands of people, mostly people I don’t even know personally. You may ask me, how do you know what to write or what is appropriate to share?

All that I can tell you is that when I sit down to write this blog, it is the only time in the day I absolutely know my purpose. It is as if a divine dictum had been placed before me and I simple answer, yes.

Could your purpose be as simple as saying yes to a dream or a vision? I think it may be.

I had spent my entire life searching for a publishing deal, an acting job, and a singing contract, only to find that what I needed was a reason to get up in the morning. Though the blog is a great venture and spiritual duty, I also feel that life supports me every day with my work as a Life Coach and Clinical Hypnotist. The two experiences together generally get me through the day with happiness and purpose.

I also noticed that as I have let go of waiting for the finale or the result of everything I do. I get the feeling that being on a path is vastly more important than getting to the goal line.

As I experience the NOW in every day, I also find others who can share my joy and laughter on that path with the same ease. Because I have found my peace, my life has attracted wonderful friends and clients who find their perfect space in the intricate weave of my life.

Has their space always existed in my divine purpose? Have I been simply waiting for my purpose for the characters and plot of my singular play to begin? I only know this, if I let life unfold by stepping into it and playing my part.

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Bo Sebastian is a Hypnotherapist and Life & Health Coach, available for private sessions to QUIT SMOKING, Lose Weight, New Lap-Band Hypnosis for Weight Loss, CHANGE YOUR MIND, CHANGE YOUR LIFE! at 615-400-2334 or www.bosebastian.com. FOR COMMENTS: Go to the Bo Sebastian link under the title and there is a place there to create a comment. Thanks.

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