Natural Atrophy
This morning, while looking at my flower beds, I noticed
that the day lilies had almost completely faded, leaving way for the summer
blooms—the morning glories, four-o’clocks, moon flowers, black-eyed susans,
zinnias, mandevilla, roses, marigolds These are hardier flowers that can stand
lots of sun and less water. The flowers requiring lots of water and a cooler
temperature like hydrangea begin to turn brown and the flowers grow limp and
colorless as they die off. A natural atrophy occurs in nature to make room for
the new flowers that will find strength in the different atmospheric condition.
Moving forward with my theory about nature showing us
metaphors for our daily life, there is also a natural atrophy in relationships—especially
friendships. As I change and grow toward my spiritual and work-related goals, I
find that the people I mingle with also change. My older friends, some of whom
built a foundation for the more profound friendships I have now, are no longer
close at all.
At first, the feeling of losing close friendships ate away
at my heart. Every time I would think about someone who had been intimate and
close and who was now in the distant past, my soul ached. The more I look at
nature, though, the more I realize that the old friendships move away to make
room for the relationships that can flourish in this new part of my life.
Let’s take away any hardships that had occurred in the
relationship. Let’s release any misunderstandings that may have gone untold.
Let us realize now that the only thing that is important is that you retain the
value of the old relationships and move on with your life. This would include
the new friends who can support you exactly where you are now. Nothing else
really matters but the present.
I find that some of my old friendships, as close and as
loving as they had been through some very rough times, don’t actually reflect
who I am now. I wouldn’t have minded bringing those friendships into my present
life, but life simply wouldn’t allow the different parts of my life to merge,
much like the day lilies, with each bloom lasting only one day. If you missed
the flower that day, you simply never got to behold its beauty.
However, there are old friends in my life who seem to be
growing in the same direction as I am. These people flow in and out of my life
like waves that occur at different cycles of the moon. Their richness never
ceases. Timing, however, makes our rendezvous flourish in new and bright ways.
Nothing pleases me more than to see a friend I haven’t seen
in twenty years and find that we have taken almost the same course to our present
personal truths. My motto now is that there is no such thing as rejection.
Only Direction!
* * *
Bo Sebastian is a Hypnotherapist and Life & Health
Coach, available for private sessions to QUIT SMOKING, Lose Weight, New
Lap-Band Hypnosis for Weight Loss, CHANGE YOUR MIND, CHANGE YOUR LIFE! at
615-400-2334 or
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