Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Mary's Reputation

Mary’s Reputation

Yesterday I went to Second Monday Spiritual Friends Network. My two friends, Rev. Linda Marie Nelson and Florene Johns gave a presentation about the fallacies we believe about Mary of Madgala. 

One of the first things mentioned was that we see Mary in history as the prostitute who was redeemed by Jesus. However, the scriptures never say her demons were for prostitution. In fact, her sir name, Mary of Magdala, reflects a very renowned and independent woman with means. Most women were described by the names of their husbands in that time or family, not their town. Mary was described as one of honor.

Some bible scholars believe that Mary of Magdala could very well have been healed of a disease when her seven demons were cast out. We do know, however, that after exorcising the demons, Mary became the most devoted Apostle of Jesus. In fact, Jesus appeared to Mary, first, after his resurrection, to direct the other Apostles as to what to do next.

I was taken aback by the information and realized how many times I have drawn conclusions without the proper information. I remember a time in my life when I returned back to Nashville after a year in NYC to find that a perceived best friend had spread lies about me, almost ruining my reputation in the church and even as a friend. She clearly was frightened about me moving back to the city, because she had taken on my student load when I left.

Even after I had explained to her that I wouldn’t take back my old students, she got a lawyer, and the rest is history. Friends and ministers believed her story for a very long time, because it appeared that I was in the wrong. But, I had done nothing wrong. In fact, she had broken many promises about taking over my business, including paying me for it.

But, I believed with all my heart that I had a lesson to learn and would somehow understand how to regain my reputation. The first message I heard from God was that I was to go to all my friends and the ministers I knew and tell them I would be willing to come to the table to talk with her and those friends and ministers could come too, as she would probably need someone to stand in the gap between our two opinions of the situation.

Each one of the friends and ministers asked my old best friend if she would be willing to meet with me, as they knew how close we had been in the past. To each one of them, she declined. This left all the friends and ministers believing the person who had something to hide was not me at all, but her.

So, truth won out. I had to face her many times at the YMCA and at parties. She simply avoided me. I remember having countless dreams about her. In every dream we would be in heaven and she would say to me, “We played a great part in each other’s lives to learn our hardest lessons. Thank you.”

I remember waking up after each of those dreams amazed at how much peace I felt about the entire situation. I’m sure, had I not regained the faith of my friends and ministers, I might have felt a little differently. But the truth is, what was clear and honest and authentic won the admiration and faith of the people who looked for it.

I will always remember that time. I know that to lead with my authentic self, whether it appears I am in the wrong or am standing on the belief that no one else understands or appreciates, I will securely with God. Remember, Jesus was misunderstood. We are asked to take up our cross and follow him.

I believe, metaphorically, this would mean that, even though life hands us difficult issues, we must make them lessons in peace. When doing so, our lives will unfold easier and direct us toward our spiritual and mental growth.

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Bo Sebastian is a Hypnotherapist and Life & Health Coach, available for private sessions to QUIT SMOKING, Lose Weight, New Lap-Band Hypnosis for Weight Loss, CHANGE YOUR MIND, CHANGE YOUR LIFE! at 615-400-2334 or www.bosebastian.com.

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