Sunday, January 20, 2013

Crazy, Wonderful You

Crazy, Wonderful You!

Yesterday I had an interesting lunch date with a guy who was a manager of a car repair shop and had been married with three fully-grown children, the youngest was 23 years old. We had Thai food, which he had never had in his 48 years of life. We laughed through most of what could have been an uncomfortable lunch experience. I really enjoyed the time with him—so much so that I suggested a walk at Radnor afterwards.

We took his very butch and decked-out, brand, spanking new truck and left my old Beemer in the parking lot. When we got to Radnor, every person in town must have been thinking the same thing we had, because there was nowhere to park. He got anxious quickly and said, “I can’t sit around here all day,” the n whipped his car in reverse, and took off out of the parking lot.

We learn a lot about people in the first few hours we know them. You can write to them for a long time on-line and talk to them on the phone for awhile, but you never really know a person until you spend time with a person face-to-face.

“So,” I said, “what was that about? You seem a little angry.”

“Nah. I just have a bit of road rage. Maybe I need anger management,” he replied jokingly.

I replied, “You know, I wrote a book about relationships. One of the things I say in it is to watch how your date treats other people, because soon you will find yourself being treated the same way.”

You know, I’m not sure if I misspoke or should have just kept my mouth shut, but dating at this age makes you older, wiser, and kind of sick of bullshit. He had told me that he has been single for 14 years. I can see why. He told me it was about the hurt from his last break-up. I think it was more about the anger he is carrying now.

But he is a mirror for me too. I’m carrying around some anger, I’m sure. I know my back going out this week is probably, in part, about me feeling like I have been metaphorically stabbed in the back by my ex. Most people typically transport our feelings to our bodies when we are unable to process our feelings wisely or in due time.

Carolyn Myss wrote a great book about this called “Energy Anatomy” in 2001. It explains the chakra system and the ways we can hold or store negative and positive energy in each of our chakra systems. The book is a great read if you want to know more about the metaphors of energy and their psychic links to the body.

Humans are wired in a wonderful and crazy way. We have men addicted to fetishes who love their wives and can’t stop thinking of high heels when they have sex. We have women who would rather shop than have sex with their husbands. We have children garnering all the wrong behaviors from their parents from seeing behavior instead of listening to advise and learning from books. We have neuro-pathways shaping and tricking our human minds into paths we should never follow. But behind it all, we are wonderfully made of God. We should never forget that great standard. We have hope and power beyond measure, because we have within us a spark of unlimited goodness that can always be nurtured to grow and change us in exponential ways.

I love you and God loves you. I hope you know that today!

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Bo Sebastian is a Hypnotherapist and Life & Health Coach, available for private sessions to QUIT SMOKING, Lose Weight, New Lap-Band Hypnosis for Weight Loss, CHANGE YOUR MIND, CHANGE YOUR LIFE! at 615-400-2334 or

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