Wednesday, January 23, 2013

What We Think About, We Bring About

What We Think About, We Bring About

Our consciousness is constantly taking on burdens from our day-to-day life. We affix our minds on finance, families, jobs, relationships, body images, computers, social apps. You name it. It’s there for the shaping of our supple minds. Whatever time we feed to the large majority of our minds, that energy goes to shaping and molding our external lives.

If you are a workaholic, you are bound up by the idea that you will not have enough when you retire. You may spend nights and days thinking about work and what you might do to make life easier when you retire. This may cause you to have high blood pressure, a weak heart, and ultimately never live to see the money that you have put away for yourself.

If your mind is affixed on computers night and day, you will spend your time in a two-dimensional world that never goes beyond you and your computer screen or your phone screen. Computer addiction is the number one addiction these days. If you are spending three and four hours in front of your computer, playing games and talking to people on-line, you need to start thinking about the time you are losing in the real world. The sunsets you miss. The happy faces you don’t get to see. The dinners you forget to cook for yourself and your family because your on-line chat with your fantasy-baseball pal has taken over your world.

Think about how you could be shaping your world with the use of your creative mind. If what I say is true about the mind holding the key to bringing about your world, then you hold the keys to reshaping and recreating everything in your life now. What is keeping you from dreaming about the future in a new way? Desimate the blocks to the new you and surge forward, my friend.

You can use the computer, your work, your family, and your current relationship situations as a building block to restructure your life in new and wonderful ways. But, you have to be the person making the blue prints for your life. You can’t expect that your life is going to change when all you do is answer to a boss all your life. Subordinates don’t change the world. Answering to someone may be how you need to learn your lesson today, but today is not permanence. Recreate your world with new ideas and become your own boss.

There is a theory that every day in the ethers that creative thought has a myriad of new ideas just waiting to be dispensed to the world. But people lack the patience to wait in the silence for the ideas to develop in their creative minds from Spirit. There is a song we used to sing in church: “In the silence there is a secret place, a secret meeting place… God is there!”

The mind is not only a place where creative thought occurs, it is also the house of subconscious thoughts or dreams. Some of these dreams can be developed and some are meant to be read or interpreted.

From the age of six till eight I had a recurring dream that I was taken by a witch from my bed, flatten like a piece of cardboard so that I would fit under my parent’s bedroom door then under their bed, then I would sit by a witch’s caldron while she would decide how to operate on me. This dream occurred almost every night, no matter how hard I tried to change my mind about.

Later in life, I would have a dream that I was in a play or a musical. I was cast as the understudy and didn’t know the role very well before I was thrown on stage in front of a live audience to perform. I was paralyzed in my dream, over and over.

After college and well into my twenties, I would have a dream that would come often and still recurs to this day every once in a while. I am in high school and I have to get to my next class. But I can’t remember my locker combination.

Of course, all of these dreams are subconscious thoughts that can’t be controlled that are actually signs that can lead to helping the consciousness recover memory or heal from loss, or even gain direction for the future. In each case, when I discovered what the dream was trying to tell me, I was able to move on.

The dream about the locker combination is always about being confused about something that requires memory of something in the past. It usually was that I was forgetting something in the past that would keep me from hurting myself.

The dream about the stage is also very simple. Whenever this dream appears, I don’t feel prepared for whatever life is handing me at the moment. So, I simply take steps to prepare myself, or take a step backward from whatever I’m moving forward toward.

The youngest dream is the most confusing of the dreams. I believe it had to do with searching for a higher power—something that would protect me from what was going on in my very unstable family life, as my parents were moving toward a divorce.

The human brain is amazing in its ability to create. We were given it as a tool. We were not given it to be ruled by or to be controlled by or for it to manipulate our bodies and lives into robots destined for destruction.

Try meditation sometime soon. Learn the art of becoming the compassionate observer of your own humanness. You will never learn anything more important in your entire life. Your human brain is a function tool to be used by you as spirit every day to create good and manifest the best for your life and those around you.

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Bo Sebastian is a Hypnotherapist and Life & Health Coach, available for private sessions to QUIT SMOKING, Lose Weight, New Lap-Band Hypnosis for Weight Loss, CHANGE YOUR MIND, CHANGE YOUR LIFE! at 615-400-2334 or

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