When Confusion About Past
Love Hits
When you are as old as I am, or most of us reading this—hell,
even if you’re fifteen, you have probably been through more than one love. If
you have, then there are probably triggers in your life that remind you of that
special someone that come back to haunt you, even though you are not with that
person anymore or even if that person hurt you badly. In most cases, take that
scenario and multiply it by 2-5 people, which is the amount of people most of
us middle-aged people have loved and lost.
This isn’t something to be discouraged about. You are not
grieving that person or those relationships—solely. You are grieving the “possibility of what those relationships
could have been” more than anything. Remember what you just read, and it will
save you a lot of money on expensive wine and therapy.
When we try so hard at love, and it doesn’t work out, we get
lost in the “what ifs.”
What if I were a little more compassionate to his needs?
What if I would have waited a little longer for that wound to
What if I hadn’t kissed my secretary at the Christmas party?
The “what ifs” form a wall around the relationship that
contains it in the category of “IF ONLY.”
“Ifs” are a way to fool your self into believing something
could have been, when it really never was. Maybe we could have changed things
if we could go back in time. The truth is, though, we can never go back in
Learn to be happy with the present. If you aren’t happy with
the present, then change it. You are the only one who can.
If you really screwed up a relationship and want it back…
(To Read the rest of this Blog, please click on the link
below. Bo Sebastian is a Hypnotherapist and LifeCoach, available for private
sessions to Quit Smoking, Lose Weight with the new Lap Band-Hypnosis, CHANGE
YOUR MIND, CHANGE YOUR LIFE! at 615-400-2334. www.blog2grow4spirit.com )
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