Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Rose Hips and Your Sexual Energy

Rose Hips and Your Sexual Energy

I was admiring my roses one day recently before the cold snap and noticed that under the blooms there were small green apples growing. I wondered what they were and knew exactly who to ask. I have a friend, Dr. Susan Sinclair, but she should be known as Dr. Susan Know-Mostly-Everything-About-All-Things.

She said with a lilting southern accent, “Well, darlin’, those are rose hips! You can make a tea out of them. Or you can pick them, let them dry, and take the seeds out of them and start a rose from them.”

Well, who knew? A rose had a seed. I always thought you had to take a piece of a rose from the root to start a new rose. I guess they should call me, Not-so-smart Bo.

Well, I collected all the rose hips from every rose bush. But I noticed that some of my finer roses didn’t have any hips. They were like Twiggy in the 70s. I guess I didn’t give them enough food.

Then I remembered some sage advice I got from a book I felt as if I channeled from God called: Lesson from the Heart (available at my webstore on my website )about plucking the blooms from a bush at the end of the season to keep the bush from giving its energy to reseeding and making it bloom even more the next season. I thought I’d share that with you this morning.


     You have believed many taboos in the area of sexuality.  Let’s start with the understanding that sexuality is Divine.  Just like anything on this earth, sexuality can take the form of the Divine or it can be brought to an illusion state where it benefits no one and only harms.
     Purity of heart is important when it comes to sexuality. 
     Do you remember this story in your Christian Bible? 
     The apostles were fighting about whether or not it was lawful to eat meats and foods that were not permitted by the Mosaic Law. 
     But Peter had a vision liberating him to eat anything that his heart would allow. 
     In other words, don’t go against your heart.  The Law is in your heart.
     Sexuality, or anything for that matter, that draws you to feelings of guilt and fear, should be avoided until the feelings accompanying it can be dealt with first.
     As I have said before, you have attached feelings and ascribed fears and pain to things in your life that were not created for fear.  When sexuality was created, its purpose was for the Divine Union of two souls. 
     It was a metaphor for Godliness and intimacy with the Creator. 
     So, begin by finding where you developed such fears and pain about sexuality.  Discover again the workings of your sexual nature--this time in new Light.
     Sexuality can be used to propagate.  It can be used for pleasure.  It can be used for intimacy.  And your sexual energy can also be used for the healing of the body.
     Lets looks at a flowering bush. 
     Each spring the bush presses all its energy toward the flowering process.  This would be likened in your own lives as a time of developing your talents and prospering as well. 
     When the flowers lose their vitality and vibrancy, in the midst of the withering bloom, a seedpod appears.  This seedpod represents your sexual energy….

(To Read the rest of this Blog, please click on the link below. Bo Sebastian is a Hypnotherapist and LifeCoach, available for private sessions to Quit Smoking, Lose Weight with the new Lap Band-Hypnosis, CHANGE YOUR MIND, CHANGE YOUR LIFE! at 615-400-2334. )

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