Tuesday, November 6, 2012

What's Controlling You More: Your Fears or Your Self?

I remember a young boy who lived primarily in a fantasy world. He was afraid of coming out of his head, because the world looked so scary. He fantasized about being a movie star, a professional singer and dancer, and a published author. He wanted to be well known, but was afraid of rejection, which is a peculiar and disturbing paradigm to face. It took him 500 auditions, 1000 rejection letters, and very little success to realize that life was more about conquering fears, than it was becoming a star.

The Self, with a capital “S,” comes to the table with so much to offer. But often fears take over. Those who are watching, see very little of the special gifts Self was given. Self needs a chance. Self needs a push. Self often needs a strong pat on the back. And self needs loads of encouragement.

If you are going to invest in life, you must invest in yourself. So, the first step to investing in you is to get over what impedes your movement forward in life toward prosperity, joy, and peace. Then you must face each of the roadblocks, as they are the fears that keep you from believing in your Self.

You see, you can’t believe in fear and believe in your Self at the same time. It’s impossible. Only one will win.

I remember watching the Olympics one year—1996, the year of the fabulous six. One of my favorite gymnasts was Dominique Dawes. She was poised to win the all around medal with only the floor exercise left for her to compete to win. At prior competitions, I had seen her get scores consistently of 9.95. It was easily within her grasp. But when she came out on to the floor to do her routine, something unexpected happened…

(To Read the rest of this Blog, please click on this link. I appreciate you helping me out with this new format. The objective is to get people to the actual blog site and hopefully get you signed up for blog emails, trackbacks, comments, and truly get you involved in life change. Of course, you don’t have to do that to just read the blog. But my hope is some of you will step forward and begin to take part. www.blog2grow4spirit.com )

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