Wednesday, October 23, 2013

The Possibility of a Seed

The Possibility of a Seed

In John 12:24, Jesus says that a seed of wheat must die to bear much fruit. I’ve often wondered how a dead seed can produce anything alive. But much truth can be learned by what Jesus said.

Some seeds are living, and others dry up and die. As for the wheat stalk, once the grain is pollinated, the entire plant begins to die. When the seed is hard and dry, then it can be planted the next year. A seed that is alive cannot be stored long; otherwise, it will grow fungus. This has happened to me before with live seed. Now, when I collect seeds in the fall, I put them in a cool, dry place until it is time to plant in the spring.

Jesus brought this metaphor from nature to life when he connected the idea with his own death and the death of the human body and the resurrection of the spirit from the body. He wanted us to understand that death fulfilled a purpose in life. That purpose is both about departing the body in spirit and also about dying to the Ego Mind. Both can be accomplished on our journey here on earth.

After really understanding this, it is very difficult for me to cry about a friend’s death. I often mourn the survivors more than the actual death of the person.

Seeds have also been used in other spiritual metaphors. Many people in the past, mostly prominently, Ernest Holmes, wrote about “seed thoughts,” as well. Reverend Holmes said: “This Power works like the soil; it receives the seed of your thought and at once begins to operate upon it.”

What comes to mind most often with Jesus’ scripture and with Ernest Holmes’s quote reminds me of the many times I have had a dream and tried with my own volition, instead of God’s, to make it appear in my life. After much trials and tribulation, sending out 1000 manuscripts or demos, one learns fairly quickly that nothing happens outside of the will of God.

If you are a spiritual seeker, you recognize that only in God’s timing can your dream appear. If you are attached to any outcome in your life, you will usually be disappointed.

I’ve watched this happen in Nashville and in New York City. Many dreams of so many songwriters and singers and musicians are dashed after they audition or submit their first demo. Usually, they have made many common mistakes. Producers and auditioners usually listen and scoff when they hear a novice demo or a singer doing something as pedantic as singing slightly off pitch or indicating too much with her hands. Most people aren’t equipped to do the precise work of a studio musician or a Broadway stage performer, nor have the expertise to understand the dos and don’ts or auditioning.
So, after moving from somewhere like a small town in Oklahoma, where the singer was the cream of the crop, he or she quickly finds out that singing has so little to do with making a star. The seed dream of young musicians simply can’t withstand the amount of rejection they must get before success actually happens. The seedling isn’t deeply rooted enough and watered with the right understanding of the craft, so it withers and dies.

God has a purpose in letting our dreams get dashed sometimes. The reason is to help us learn about the timing of God. Nothing happens without the blessing and leading of the Holy Spirit. I know this to be true in my own life. I’ve had to fall on my face plenty of times to get it that I can only be prepared for life!


Go to Week 2 of the “Year to CLEAR Challenge”


Below is information that I will be sharing for about a month, as not every person on my list reads the blog every day. If you have already read it, just skip over it. Thanks for understanding.

A Year to CLEAR Challenge:
(Please Know: You Can Join Us At Any Point in the Year Challenge.)

The masses search outward for things that qualify them as a person, but I always go inward for that which quantifies me for greatness. At twenty-five I preached on street corners in NYC as an in-the-closet Pentecostal minister. One day I heard a still small voice say, ‘God cannot be contained in a book or a law or even in a religion. Dig deeper, reach further to find me, and you will find your authentic Self.’”

A Year to CLEAR Challenge!

The acronym CLEAR stands for (Compassionate, Loving, Enthusiastic, And Relationship-Ready). The goal of this project is to engulf readers in a weekly study that will transform them by removing blocks, promote self-growth, and give them wings to fly freely into daily life. Each week, by going to and choosing the Year to CLEAR Challenge tab, a new challenge or thought to provoke conversation, growth, and group functionality.

My vision is to make Finding Authentic You the book to have in your Kindle or on your computer. The book is a comprehensive look at growth—spiritually, mentally, and physically.

As a yoga teacher and student of the Ayurvedic tradition, I bring to the table understanding of physical challenges, the ability to overcome mental problems with Life & Health Coaching, as well as hypnotherapy, and expertise in meditation and spirituality as a minister.

The combination of all three in one book with an interactive connection to like-minded readers, for one year, is what makes this Year to CLEAR Challenge a must-do for every spiritual seeker.

The One-Year Approach to Change

No one believes he or she can change overnight. But success in change comes from the metaphors of nature. Seasonally, life changes all around us in nature. Finding Authentic You offers a gradual change perspective, looking at the triune aspects of change as in yoga: Body, Mind and Spirit.

Accessing the ability to change and finding yourself actually pursuing change must be a daily search, which I call getting to the “observer mind.”

In this frontal cortex of the brain we find the anatomy of change and the power to counter every negative trigger of the human process. The workings of Hypnosis, NLP (Neuro-linguistic Programming) and EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) are all positive actions to help the mind and body flow to a positive space for change.

Every aspect of FINDING AUTHENTIC YOU fulfills this constant need for diffusing the negative past and dreaming of a fulfilling future.

Step 1: Recognize That Change is Inevitable
Step 2: Release from Resistance to Change
Step 3: Understanding Change and Allow Spirit to Define It
Step 4: A History Lesson—About You
Step 5: Look at Your Past with Compassion
Step 6: Making a Strong Commitment to Change
Step 7: Dream Your Fabulous Future
Go to for Week One Challenge:
Go to Storefront to buy any of the following or make a donation to Finding Authentic You:

·       Introduction to Meditation
·       Smoke Cessation mp3
·       Weight Loss mp3
·       Hypnotic Lap Band surgery Mp3
·       Insomnia mp3
·       Eternal Om mp3
·       Meditation Music mp3
·       Guide to Meditation mp3
·       Healing the Body mp3
·       And my “Lessons from the Heart” book ready for your download purchase.
Go to Home Page:

* * *

Bo Sebastian is a Hypnotherapist and Life & Health Coach, available for private sessions to QUIT SMOKING, Lose Weight, New Lap-Band Hypnosis for Weight Loss, CHANGE YOUR MIND, CHANGE YOUR LIFE! at 615-400-2334 or Please feel free to comment and/or sign up to receive your blog sent to you directly or stream with an RSS Feed.

I am trying to spread the word about my blog and I need your help. Please let your friends know it exists, if it gives you hope and blesses you each day.  I would be greatly pleased for you to share anything that you read by clicking the share button in, or add it to your Twitter at BoSebastian; or LinkedIN at; or find this blog home at Any of my books can be found on Amazon or Barnes and Nobel, just by typing my name in the search header.

Also, be looking for “Finding Authentic You, 7 Steps to Effective Change” with a Year to CLEAR (C-larity, L-ove, E-nthusiasm A-nd R-elationship-Ready) in Early 2014. Thanks!

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