Monday, September 9, 2013

FAT: F-earful, A-imless T-hinking

F-A-T: F-earful, A-imless T-hinking

As most of you know, I have been having a time getting this damn extra 10 pounds off of my body. My struggle is really more of ambivalence, as most of the problem exists because I’m the happiest I’ve been in years. I simply don’t care enough to get motivated to take it all the way off and keep it off.

Something changed this week. It was significant. My friend Sharon decided to go on the diet with me. She had been reading a book on Ayurveda and got very excited about the different food groups she was supposed to eat to stay healthy. She shared with me my dietary restraints. I wasn’t all that happy about what I couldn’t eat, but decided a partner was the perfect solution to my problem.

So, together we started our diet. The first day I was just sick to my stomach the entire day. What I ate made me so nauseous that I wasn’t even hungry most of the day. Almost the entire next day I felt the same way. I lost almost 4 pounds in two days just from nausea. We also decided to exercise together four days a week. That, my friends, is what I knew would make the big difference. Instead of finishing work and sitting on my ass watching television, I was actually going to muster the energy to do aerobics for at least 50 minutes 4 times a week.

Because I’m bright (LOL), I know that if I exercise, I will burn calories. If I burn calories, I will lose weight. Also, as I have some dietary restraints, and I’m off of sugary goodies, much of my snacks are fruit and hummus and high-protein flax crackers that actually don’t taste too much like burlap.

But what about all of this is Fearful Aimless Thinking? The new perspective isn’t about F-A-T. The old perspective was. Fearful, because I felt that if I didn’t share in the fun food with my partner, I would be missing out on a great part of our relationship. Aimless Thinking, because I didn’t set a solid goal for myself and stick to it.

Today, I am seriously motivated. I actually feel I’m going to change some major problem areas in my diet and stick with it. This is much like one of my clients who came in with a couple of habits. He told me right off: “This may take me two session, or it may take me 50, but I need to do this my way and in my timing.”

I congratulated him for taking control. He knew what I know now, I’m not going to lose any weight until I am serious enough to make an effective change. No change happens unless it first happens in your mind.

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Bo Sebastian is a Hypnotherapist and Life & Health Coach, available for private sessions to QUIT SMOKING, Lose Weight, New Lap-Band Hypnosis for Weight Loss, CHANGE YOUR MIND, CHANGE YOUR LIFE! at 615-400-2334 or FOR COMMENTS: Go to the Bo Sebastian link under the title and there is a place there to create a comment. Thanks.

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