Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Bountiful Beauty

Bountiful Beauty

I asked Allen to pick a title, any title. He came up with “Bountiful Beauty.”

He said, “You don’t have to use the name.”

I said, “Nonsense, if I’m anything, I’m easy.” So, here goes…

There is a city in Utah named Bountiful, just north of Salt Lake City. The population is approximately 44,000. That is not so bountiful when you look at the number of people compared to most cities. I hear it’s beautiful.  

Let’s face it, bountiful beauty doesn’t exist in just one city. It exists everywhere we look. It’s in the ocean, in the smile of a child, in the presence of a loved pet, and it’s all around us in the sky as we gaze up at the myriad of stars and celestial space. If anything in the universe mirrors bounty, it is certainly magnificent space. Scientists calculate that space keeps expanding every moment. Certainly, nothing more bountiful exists in the universe.

When I look up at the sky and try to imagine the expanse of the universe, my deductive mind shuts down. I have to go into another place in my head to simplify my thoughts and just experience it, because trying to deduct it is an impossibility.

I told a client today that to allow Spirit to guide you into the unknown space of your future, you must allow for that, which you do not know, to be downloaded into your mind. Then, by virtue of time and lessons learned, this information may unfold within you enough to be used in your life and on this earth.

The kind of conduit of spirit I want to become only has the limits I give it. For instance, someone needs prayerful thoughts. If I believe I have just the words to speak to God, then I may not pour out into the universe the words or the energy needed for that individual, because I may be praying from the ego.

However, if I pray from the beautiful bounty of heaven, which has no words or actions to describe it, I may find myself gushing with tears and speaking with words and uttering I don’t understand myself. What would be more powerful, if you were the one being prayed for?

I sincerely believe that the seat of heaven is within us all. Even Jesus said, “The Kingdom of God is within you.” So, perhaps, the heart is just as bountiful as the heavens. Does an end exist as we go inward for guidance? If we are connected to God by virtue of spirit, there couldn’t possibly be an ending to God. As it is written, there God has no beginning. So, can there be an end?

If you and I are made of God and in the image of the creator, then we, too, have an eternal existence as well. Perhaps, we simply are, just as God is the I Am. Maybe we existed with God from the beginning. Perhaps, what we see now is just an image or a dream of the experiential you—not the celestial you.

If this is the case, then I want to wake up now to behold the bountiful beauty that each of us must be.

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Bo Sebastian is a Hypnotherapist and Life & Health Coach, available for private sessions to QUIT SMOKING, Lose Weight, New Lap-Band Hypnosis for Weight Loss, CHANGE YOUR MIND, CHANGE YOUR LIFE! at 615-400-2334 or FOR COMMENTS: Go to the Bo Sebastian link under the title and there is a place there to create a comment. Thanks.

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