What Are You Waiting For?
Suffice it to say, life is a waiting game. For most of us,
dreams come slowly and with consistent diligence. For others it seems like it’s
overnight, but rarely that’s true. Most people have been dreaming their entire
lives for what transpires in one moment.
What exactly are you waiting for to fulfill your dreams?
I look at life as a big womb for gestating our dreams. We
have ideas that are the like fertile eggs. The world, relationships, hard work,
diligence are the seminal power that can fertilize these dreams with
inspiration, steadfast certainty, and sometimes luck.
But the bigger picture to me is: What are we meant to be and
what are we meant to manifest here on this earth?
If we know the answer that question, the journey forward
into success is simple. One step in front of the other. Forward. Keep moving
forward. Don’t look back and turn into a pillar of salt. Keep driving forward.
If you are on the wrong road, looking for fame and fortune
for all the wrong reasons, you’ll soon find out that though you may achieve
some success—because the power of truth is universal and works for all—it will
mean nothing in the end.
This concept works with aspect of your life that move toward
developing a closer relationship to your divine reason for being on this earth;
your relationships, your job, your destiny, your life’s passion, even your fun
dreams like skiing or having a home on the beach, could all be leading you to
divine destiny if you let Spirit direct your every move.
When something feels right, you know it in your heart. It
doesn’t matter if it’s the simplest of decisions. It could be finding a parking
space or buying a house. They both have one thing in common: the opportunity to
ask your heart’s permission. I believe there is a divine source moving through
each of us, whether we have a belief system or not, that live and breathes and
moves us to our next step forward.
The only difference with one who is awakened to the idea
that Spirit is helping is if that person has taken the time to see things like
synchronicities and signs and wonders that occur to give us assurance that we
are on the right path daily. The nonseeker moves through life with the same
opportunities, but with a sort of blindness to the spiritual help and guidance
moving through them to get them to their destiny.
I look for these spiritual signs every day, always aware how
easily I could be side-tracked and coerced down the wrong path for the wrong
reasons. I’m human. You’re human. We make decisions, sometimes, because our
human needs outweigh our spiritual ones. But when we take a higher road in
meditation and prayer, we can ascend the lofty heavens and become an observer
of our own humanness and keep our own souls in check.
Everyday I pray for that power and hope to help my clients
come to see their own personal power too.
Don’t just dream your life away. Take your personal power to
the next step and begin to move forward, trusting in the spiritual guidance
your heart gives you each step of the way. If you are a believer in loftier,
spiritual truths, know that where your heart is, so is God!
* * *
Bo Sebastian is a Hypnotherapist and Life & Health
Coach, available for private sessions to QUIT SMOKING, Lose Weight, New
Lap-Band Hypnosis for Weight Loss, CHANGE YOUR MIND, CHANGE YOUR LIFE! at
615-400-2334 or www.bosebastian.com.
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