Sunday, February 10, 2013

Can Immersing into Suffering Actualize Peace

Can Immersing into Suffering Actualize Peace

On first glance, who would want to drive a nail into his hand to find peace? I’m not trying to engage in a cult of suffering to find God. But I do think that the Buddhists have a handle on understanding the direct route to peace through facing it dead on.

I’m going to be paraphrasing here, so if you’re Buddhist, just bear with me. All humans have something called “the pain body.” Basically, this is our human existence. The belief is that there is literally nothing to be gained by fantasizing that the pain body will be something different than its true nature. The pain body by definition is a living, breathing, feeling, hurting, subject-to-pain body and mind that will only deteriorate and die eventually. So, understanding that the pain body is not the end of existence for your spirit is by definition the gateway to peace.

A great teacher taught his students that to rid themselves of lust or painful relationships all they have to do is imagine that the person they had feelings for was a pain body. See the body aging. Imagine that it is older and older until it is empty of human life and breath. Then imagine that it is placed in the ground to return to the earth. Think about how this person you “think” you love or admire is now decayed and one again with Mother earth.

If you do such an exercise, you can easily see that the “who” that you love is not the body. The “what” that you admire and lust after may be the body, but the “who” has returned to spirit at the end. The “what” is the pain body, subject to death and decay. The “who” is the spirit being.

It’s a pervasive theory when it dislodges from its cocoon. You see what I have been discussing about finding the conscious observer self. This now becomes the key to seeing and believing you are but a breath of ephemeral time in this present human existence. If you know that you are captive in this existence and subject to its earthly demands, then wouldn’t you be more confident in moving forward to do the things you intend to do to make life here a lesson of sorts? And even more importantly, help others with their lessons. And yet, an even greater call, wouldn’t you help the world manifest what it needs to drive toward the next step of spiritual existence—whatever that may be?

Peace for me is dislodging from all that seems to have kept me stuck in my humanness—envy, greed, lust, unresolved issues, bad relationships—anything standing between me and perfect God. When I pass through the storms of life, face every demon, feel my deepest pain, and realize there is nothing left but God. It is my driving force that wakes me, breathes me, and lives and moves my being.

Shine forth, Oh Child of God! It is your time to get rid of all that no longer serves you and become the spirit presence in the world God has intended you to be! Let your light shine upon men that they should see the good that you do and give glory to God!

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Bo Sebastian is a Hypnotherapist and Life & Health Coach, available for private sessions to QUIT SMOKING, Lose Weight, New Lap-Band Hypnosis for Weight Loss, CHANGE YOUR MIND, CHANGE YOUR LIFE! at 615-400-2334 or

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