Wednesday, September 10, 2014

The Five Steps to Effective #Prayer

I Was Told to Live (a meditation by Ernest Holmes)
By some inner mystic presence,
I was told to live and to love, to laugh and to be glad.
I was told to be still and know of the One Almighty Power, in and through all
I was told to let that Power work through and in me.
I believed that voice and I received my Good.
I love this meditation, because it focuses in what we know about life and Spirit—not what we don’t know. Much of life is about what we don’t know or understand. A good prayer, an effective prayer, only focuses in on the power we do know. We have examples of effective prayer that have worked either in your individual life or in the ancient scriptures. I have been working on the five tenants of effective prayer. Below, I share this concept:
  1. First, we have to recognize the power we address: We do this by expressing what we know right now. “God is all Intelligence, Spiritual Energy, Creative Power, Truth, and Pure Divine Love.” (These are just a few of my examples of the names of this God power. You can take a walk somewhere special and find names for God in just about anything or anywhere. Also, you may not want to use the word God at all. For some people who have been disenfranchised from churches, they find the word God rife with negative meaning and judgment. This is why I suggest discovering your own names.)
  1. Second, how do you connect with this one power? This is the law of your individual experience with the ONE. Begin with “I am an Individualization of God, an expression of love, made in the perfect likeness and image of Spirit. I am filled with abundant light, because God is light, and I am a co-creator with God right now!”
  1. Then, after you have declared your belief to yourself and the universal presence, Declare you intention in the present moment—in the now! We declare our prayer for a specific purpose. In this step we move beyond any condition or effect we see in the human condition, especially because most of what we see if negative, secondary cause. I prayer effectively, we must move to the spiritual idea or the ideal of the condition, beyond what we see. For instance: “I declare that I am open and receptive to new ideas. I have the means and cause within me to change all that is in my causal life today. I know my portion exists! I NOW accept this greater good for me. I know that the power of God flows in all things—including my finances and in my personal relationships.”
  1. After we declare our intention, we give thanks. “It is in gratitude that I accept the Truth of this perfect relationship and abundance in my life.”
  1. Lastly, and the most important part of the prayer is it to release your prayer to the power that created all. We can only direct our own consciousness to see good in all. We can’t change or alter others. Only Spirit can. So, we prayer until OUR reality changes. An example of Release: “I release this prayer to the law of mind: that knows what to do and knows how to do it and does it by means and through me.”
(I plant the seed, God Grows the Tree. God has the hard part.)
Prayer and treatment is clearing the thought of negation of doubt and fear and causing your mind to perceive the ever-present power of Spirit.
So, if we put our prayer together we have come up with this powerful and effective prayer:
“God is all Intelligence, Spiritual Energy, Creative Power, Truth, and Pure Divine Love. And I am an Individualization of this same power—an expression of this love, made in the perfect likeness and image of abundant life. Because God is life, I am a co-creator with God right now! I declare that I am open and receptive to new ideas. I have the means and cause within me to change all negativity that is in my life today. I NOW accept my portion and the greater good for my life. I know that the power of God flows in all things—including my finances and in my personal relationships. And it is in gratitude that I accept this Truth of this perfect relationship and abundance in my life. I release this prayer to the law of Spirit and Divine Mind, that knows what to do and knows how to do it and does it by means and through me.”
Write your open prayer today using these concepts and see what you come up with to help make effective change in your life today!
Coming Up: I’ll be speaking more about how to pray—not what to think, but HOW to think effectively, to change your life!
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[Take the time to look at Bo’s bookshelf of self-help books, novels, healing downloads, and yoga DVD. All of Bo’s books helps people such as you, make SIGNIFICANT CHANGE with habits, find your SOULMATE, your PASSION, reach YOUR DREAMS, and dictate your own FUTURE. Bo works with people on SKYPE and FaceTime all over the world. He is taking new clients now. Call 954-253-6493 for information.
Chosen to show his new hypnotherapeutic techniques on The Learning Channel (TLC) and also given the opportunity to teach at the world conference for Learning, and received the award of excellence for Helping Overcome Obesity in Nashville, Bo Sebastian is the writer and director of Finding Authentic You and Uncommon Gay Spiritual WarriorGo directly to Amazon/Amazon Kindle: ]

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