"You Do Things that Scare Me!"—Mirror Work
#womenspower #feminineenergy #yingyang #mirrorwork #innerchild
I listened to one of my favorite speakers last week, and she proclaimed at the beginning of her message, “I am a powerful woman!” I thought, how odd for her to tell us she is a powerful woman, instead of us gleaning that information from her talk. As always, I began to think about her purpose, because she is the kind of speaker who wouldn’t say something without intent. Then, I realized that she wasn’t proclaiming her power to us, but to herself and, perhaps, the universe. I love the concept of unabashed proclamation of your worth and power. I decided to try it myself. I said, “I give to the world my time and talents with few boundaries. And the universe rewards me with all good! I am a receiver of great power and wealth!” I repeated it a few times, because the first few time I think my body rejected it, as I gagged on the words.
Every time I said the words again, I felt more power.
Try to make a proclamation for yourself, today. See if you can find a palatable phrase that suits you, first. You don’t want to say words that you can’t believe. But, if you know a truth about yourself and haven’t been able to embrace it fully, maybe it’s time to start saying it aloud, to yourself, and to the world. Try saying it in front of a mirror. Louise Hay calls this “mirror work.” If you have never done it before, know that the work is much harder than you would expect it to be.
I remember in one of her many books, Louise tells you to go to a mirror and ask yourself what would make you happy. Well, I thought, how simple could that be? It was one of the hardest tasks I have ever done. First of all, after I coifed my hair, picked at a pimple, brushed my teeth, combed my eyebrows… (well, you get the picture), I finally looked into my eyes. What I saw was my own soul, maybe, for the first time. Then, to talk to myself, felt crazy. Expecting an answer became even stranger. For the longest time nothing came to me. I had no idea what my soul needed to be happy.
I reached down deeper and found a little boy there. He was so confused and scared. He hid in the closet from a drunken, abusive father, and no mother to protect him. I had to do the therapy for days before I could coax little Bobby out of the closet, holding him closely. I realized that when I asked myself what would make me happy, that I was asking little Bobby. This is why the process was so difficult. That inner child was completely silent, because I had ignored him for so long. When he finally opened his mouth to speak, he said, “I need you to protect me more.”
My incredulous question was: that’s what would make me happy? Perhaps, I thought, that’s what would make me feel more secure or at peace. Then, I realized that happiness was dependent on security and peace for me. So, I questioned the little boy. “Why are you so afraid?” His answer mortified me.
“You do things that scare me all the time!”
Then, I began to reflect on my boundaries in relationship. This was a time, twenty years ago, that I felt I was being more promiscuous than other times in my life. I wanted to discover what it felt like to date without the desire to fall in love, which, for me, meant separating my Self from my own heart, which had always sought to love deeply. I realized, in that moment, that my particular power in that moment was in listening to the little boy inside for advice and for truth. As Jesus once said, “Let the little children come… to me.” He asks us to come to God with the attitude of a child—open and honest.
That little piece of God spoke to me like an angel: “I need you to be my friend and protect me with everything you do.” So, I began to check inside to see if the actions I took in relationship were okay with my inner child. To the dismay of my very randy human body, most times, my actions made Bobby fearful and insecure. I had to reel in my lustful desires and listen to whether or not “little Bobby.” When I began to make this my litmus test for life, my entire world changed. I did feel more peaceful and happiness began to bloom from most everything I did.
This week, let’s try some mirror work. And, perhaps, a bit of proclamation of what you believe you should be to this world and for this universe!
Check out my new book: (New Promo YouTube Video—important for all GLBT friends (When you go to this link, if you have already seen the promo, look for the discoveries, as I have been posting new discoveries every week on YouTube): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z4yGU-MVCtQ ) Uncommon Gay Spiritual Warrior:
http://www.amazon.com/Uncommon-Gay-Spiritual-Warrior-Authentic-ebook/dp/B00KPIVOIY/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1401708367&sr=8-1&keywords=uncommon+gay+spiritual+warrior .
I am moving to Southern Florida to begin a new small imprint publishing company called: Finding Authentic You Publishing: findingauthenticyoupublishing.com. I am accepting submissions now for my January 2015 bookshelf. If you or any friends are interested, please go to the website and read the submission guidelines. Thanks.
Finding Authentic You is my brand and is also a self-help guide, which I wrote, with 365 Discoveries, meant to aid you in facilitating some of life’s most difficult challenges, like sleep. But, the discoveries also lead you to what you believe spiritually, understanding your goals, learning to believe in your self, discovering the most distinct you, unlocking all of your negative thinking, and helping you replace it with positive, creative thought using many different modalities, including hypnosis, prayer, and psychology. Once you know yourself, then relationship with Spirit and people is a fairly easy task.
For much more information about finding out about the psychology of the human mind and being your authentic self, self-love, and self-esteem, check out my new book below. “Finding Authentic You” will answer many of the questions I propose above. The book also has many discoveries about health, both mental and physical, as well as spiritual discoveries to lead you to your highest and best! Thanks for being a part of my tribe and helping get this book and all of my media below into the right hands, helping the right hearts.
Finding Authentic You: With 365 Daily Discoveries & 7 Steps to Effective Change
* Bo Sebastian is a Hypnotherapist and Life & Health Coach, available for private sessions to QUIT SMOKING, Lose Weight, New Lap-Band Hypnosis for Weight Loss, CHANGE YOUR MIND, CHANGE YOUR LIFE! at 615-445-8861 or http://bosebastian.com/Home_Page.php Please feel free to comment and/or sign up to receive your blog sent to you directly or stream with an RSS Feed. Please spread the word by liking the page or sharing this with your friends.
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